Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The True Meaning of Christmas

Hallmark and the American culture has really amped up the way most of our society views Christmas and the Holiday season. Billions of dollars are spent on gifts of all shapes and sizes, wrapping paper, bows, tape, and Christmas cards. Family members try to outdo the other ones with who has the prettiest and best wrapping skills. Elf on the Shelf, the popular children's book, has taken over most homes with little ones. Charlie, the elf,  TP's the christmas tree and gets into all kinds of mischief chaning his hiding place every night up until the big day. Santa is glorified and adored by most children all around the country. Pictures with their best outfits are taken with Santa at the mall. Parents rattle off, "Santa is watching kids."
With all the hustle and bustle that comes along with the Holiday season, we must take the conscious effort to stop and ask ourselves: What is the true meaning of Christmas?

What really is the true meaning of Christmas? 
We don't find it unwrapping all of our gifts underneath the tree or opening up our stockings from Santa. After the countless hours spent wrapping, shopping, and cooking to prepare for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, what do we have to show for all the time invested into preparing? We open our gifts and then the day is over. Does any of the joy that comes from the gifts last

But then all of a sudden you change your mind and you just decide to put the gift up on the book shelf. You aren't going to open it.  You don't care to find out what is inside and you decide it will be best left unwrapped. It can't really be that great of a gift anway. You leave it and let it sit on the shelf, looking pretty still wrapped in the red glittery paper. Imagine for me for a second that you have a gift. It's beautifully wrapped in red glittery wrapping paper. A big bow is on top and it's from your favorite Aunt, who happens to be the BEST gift giver EVER. Last year she gave you an ipad, so you KNOW the gift is going to be amazing.  You shake it around and it kind of sounds like…. well you aren't sure what it sounds like, but you know you will love it. Your curiousity gets the best of you. You can hardly wait to open it. 
I believe that is how we view the gift that God freely gives to us. The true meaning of Christmas is about the greatest gift we will ever receive; Jesus, the small baby that was sent to Earth today. Most are very familiar with the story of Jesus' birth. In Luke 2 an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds staying in the fields nearby where Jesus was born. The angel said three very important things to them. 
The first, "Do not be afraid." "Fear not" is in the Bible 365 times. God wanted us to understand this and said it enough times to remind us each day of every year. We have nothing to fear. Jesus came to take away  all our fears. WE NEED TO HEAR this and believe this each and every day of our lives. Fear consumes most of our lives. Will I have enough money this month, will I get my promotion, will I get an A in class, will I ever get married, will I battle this cancer, will I get into college? The list goes on and on. Jesus has our back and came to take away all those fears. We must give them over to Him to deal with. 

The next thing the angel said was this: "Fear not, don't be afraid-- I bring you GOOD NEWS that will bring great joy to ALL PEOPLE."
Do you get what that means? Christinaity is not a religion-- it's a relationship with a living Jesus. John 3:16-17 says, "For God so loved the world that He sent his One and only Son, that WHOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him." God did not come to condemn us and to give us orders and rules to follow. The world was already condemned before He sent Jesus. Jesus came to restore us with the Father. AND THAT IS THE GREATEST NEWS we could ever hear. God so loved the world that He sent Jesus, but Jesus so LOVED his Father that HE came to save us! :)

Being a Christian is not exclusive-- there is only one way to God, but PRAISE God there is a way and it's available to EVERY SINGLE PERSON. Every single person. Not the good ones, the rich ones, or the one's that have never messed up in their life. We all have the choice to be saved and adopted into God's family.

Lastly, the angel said, "Fear not. Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will bring great joy to ALL people! The Savior-- yes, the Messiah, the Lord-- has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!"
Family in Sanibel for Christmas
What is a Savior? Our jobs, family, and paychecks don't save us. Jesus is our Savior and He came to save us from our real issues-- SIN. Life in Him is the greatest gift we will ever receive. 

Many of us have that red glittery gift sititng on our bookshelves, our kitchen counter, or stored away in our closets; untouched, unwrapped, too afraid to open and see what is inside. My friends, I beg you to open it up this Christmas season. Jesus loves you, but He won't force you to love Him.

One of the many blessings God has given me after opening His gift
Jesus says in Revelation 3:20, "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. " You may have already let Jesus through the door, or maybe Jesus is still standing and knocking on the door to your heart.  

One of my favorite writers C.S Lewis states who Jesus really was this way:

“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.” 
Never in my life have I felt more love than at Our Own Home in Jinja, Uganda.
My Home away from home

It might be pretty sad for you to miss out on that new Iphone 5C that your Aunt gave you in that red glittery package that you have decided not to open, but it would be devastating for you to not open the free gift of love, peace, joy, and eternal life that Jesus freely offers to you today. Because of His birth today and his death and resurrection 33 years later, we have the choice to accept Him this Holiday season and to be adopted into His family.
I know for me, personally, the red glittery package was scary and untouched for many years. I thought I had opened it as a little girl, and I may have, but I got caught up in the world and was trapped in a self-consuming lifestyle. I am so thankful to God for allowing me to open my heart to receiving God's gift 3 1/2 years ago. God continues to surprise me and take me on a journey I never could have dreamt for myself. To all those in Africa, Nicaragua, and here at home I pray that God touches you through my words that were directed by God, and I pray you join me in this incredible life along side Him; Our Savior.

Merry Christmas

Friday, November 1, 2013

A Beautiful Purpose

Well today is November 1st.
I can hardly believe how fast this year has flown by. I have already seen countless Facebook statuses starting off the month with the things people are thankful for.
As awesome as it is to see all the things people are thankful for each day, I wish we could truly be thankful for every day of our lives, no matter if it is November or not.
We so easily get caught up in all of the chaos of our lives that we tend to see the things we don't have, instead of being thankful for the things we do have. We often are thankful for the things we do have when something threatens to take the very thing we take for granted away.

I find the only way that I am able to be conscious and aware of all that God has blessed me with is if I make time to be in communication with Him. It's too hard to stay focused and content with what I do have, if I am not taking the time to really see and hear all the blessings God has given me.
So many things are fighting for my time, and I know its the same in your life as well.

What takes top priority in your life? Many people would hate to admit what really does take top priority. For me, the top priority that took the throne over my life for YEARS was success and achievement. I thrived to be successful in school, but MAINLY in gymnastics. Neither success nor achievement are bad things to strive for in your life, but the motive behind wanting to be successful and achieve much was wrong. My motives were driven by self, not driven out of my love and thankfulness to God.
I realize now what being a Christian is really all about. The Christian life is a process of better understanding what Jesus taught, learning to apply that teaching in your every day life, and then teaching others; people on the other side of the globe and people directly around us, to do the same. Satan, the world, and our sinful desires fight against our growth in the Christian life and the advance of the Gospel. When we choose to lose ourselves in this Divine romance with God, His richness overwhelms our total being. Revealed in our lifestyles and how we interact with others, God in us makes us whole and complete.
Today I am so thankful to have experienced standing in the Presence of this God of love, completely overwhelmed and satisfied with all that He has done for me. Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight. God took away ALL that I leaned upon in my former life (gymnastics and ungodly relationships) to bring me TRUE LIFE. I went from a broken, hurting woman, through a process of healing, to finding a hope that I never knew existed, to FINALLY becoming a new woman, with a new, changed heart.
Deep within my heart, and yours is a God-shaped hole. We all have that hole. We try to fill it with buying more clothes, losing 30 pounds, having different sexual partners, the list could go on. I am thankful that God captured my heart through people pouring into me, praying for me, and eventually sending me to Nicaragua and Africa to finally have the eyes to see that I was filling the hole with all the wrong things. My new eyes have given me the chance to seize the opportunity to make a difference in many people's lives. One person I am thankful for today is my loving son, Obed. My parents were able to meet him just 2 weeks ago, when God allowed them to go to Africa to help and serve God in ways they never thought possible. I'm so thankful Obed got to meet his adopted grandparents. :)

We must remember that our identity is found in Jesus, not our job title or by the things we are good at. We are sons and daughters of God. God is pleased with me, because I am His daughter. He is pleased with you as well. You don't have to do anything to earn God's love. Nothing that you have done in your past will ever make God love you less. He loves you, regardless of any mess ups that you have had.
Today I urge you to take a look around you. Realize that you are loved, you live better than 99% of the rest of the world. The stuff you buy today, will not bring you lasting happiness through tomorrow. The only way you can truly feel at peace, satisfied, and filled with joy is through Jesus. I never knew what that really meant until a few short years ago. All of our hearts are longing for that sense of peace, yet many of us have no idea where to start. I would love to help you jump right into this love story with God.
I pray these words stir something in your heart.
 I am thankful for you.
God is thankful for you, for He made you with a purpose; a beautiful purpose indeed!

Friday, October 4, 2013

God's PERFECT timing

It's amazing to think about what God can do in a years timing. A year ago today, my life was forever changed. After an incredible journey to Nicaragua with my family last June/July I knew God was calling me elsewhere to serve and follow His lead. I never in my wildest dreams thought He would send me to Africa, without anybody I knew prior to getting accepted to the team. I remember casually looking up on my church website to see if there were any upcoming teams going to serve around the world. It was early last July. I figured I may come across a trip that was leaving in the beginning of  2013, but I stumbled upon a team going to South Africa in October. Man, I didn't have much time to prepare, but I figured if God wanted me on that team. He would provide everything I needed to go. Sure enough, I signed up, and a week later I was accepted.

I thought I had it all figured out. I was just in Nicaragua, met my sweet boy, Moises, and had a life changing time. I figured I knew how emotional I would be in Africa, I knew how much poverty I would see, and I would be more prepared to meet my South African boy, Obed. I couldn't have been more wrong. And for those of you that know me WELL, I HATE to admit that I am wrong, but I will do so when I am.

Africa literally turned my world.. not upside down, but right side UP! And I shouldn't say Africa did this for me, God was behind all of it. God used Africa to literally break me down, teach me so many lessons, and heal many past wounds. I wish I could just give everybody a little glimpse of a day spent in Africa. I so badly wanted to bottle up each day and give them away to people here at home. I want to show everybody, tell everybody, and have everybody experience the pure joy, the raw heartache, the brokenness I felt in each and every day. I made friends, both in South Africa and those on that team of mine that I can call family, that have come along side of me to do life together. I can't imagine my life without them now. God knew was He was doing and that trip last October to Africa was an incredible time that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Ill never forget meeting my sweet Obed and watching him play soccer on the sidelines. I looked up and down each side of the dirt field the boys of the village were playing on. The sidelines of games in the States are lined with lawn chairs  and coolers filled with yummy snacks and fruit punch Kool-Aids. More important than anything else on those sidelines are the families that are represented  for each player out there on the field. Moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas, brothers and sisters. Soccer games are a family affair. Yet, I stood there in South Africa and saw nobody cheering on the precious children. I broke down and lost it. My heart cried out for not only my boy who doesn't have a mom or dad, but for all the other boys playing their hearts out and not having anybody to look to on the sidelines for a smile, an encouraging cheer, or a shout of praise. From that moment, I knew there was no turning back. I was in this for the long run and I would be playing on God's team.

The biggest thing I think God has been teaching me throughout this year is that He really does have everything under control. Things might not look pretty, the world may look like it is falling apart, but He is at work, and He is using anybody who is willing to step out on the field and play for Him. He's whispered MANY times to me that I can't fix the world and all the problems, but I can trust Him to help lead me into being all that He has called me to be. And I can be used to bring glory and honor to his name. He also has shown me that HIS plans for my life are far better than mine. They actually are not even comparable to those that I had for myself.

I thought God outdid himself last year with my trips to Nicaragua and Africa, but yet again I was so wrong. He sent me back; to Nicaragua in March and then to a couple different countries in Africa this summer for nine weeks. I still am on cloud nine, knowing how faithful God is and how much He loves me. I did things this summer in Africa that I know I was not capable of doing alone. God was with me every step of the way, and I seriously can say without a doubt that this summer was the most incredible experience of my life. And God truly does get all the glory. He worked everything out; providing generous, God-loving people to donate the funds for me to go. He didn't just supply half of it, he supplied ALL of the $10,000 in just 6 weeks.

Today ends another chapter of my life, as I am leaving the job and family I have grown to love over the past year. It is bitter sweet, but I know God is calling me elsewhere. God's timing really is perfect, as this week I just got accepted into Ball State's ABA Therapy Master's Program, in hopes to be an ABA Therapist and Analyst, wanting to further my education and work with special needs children. I'm excited to see where God leads me next, for I trust that His plan is perfect for me. I thank Him for each and every one of you reading this that has prayed, provided funds for my mission trips, and been a friend to me offering encouragement, love, and support.

 For those who haven't given total control over to God, I beg you to do so, because I am no different than you and God wants you to experience the life He has set out for you. I pray you find strength and courage in my words and my story.

Take a look around. God needs you in the game, playing for Him. There are so many children and people that need you cheering for them on the sidelines of their life. You don't have to go to Africa or China to make a difference. God called me there, and He may not call you to do something like that. Stepping out can be scary at first, but I promise you... do you see the picture of my boy Obed and I? He is worth stepping out for, the children in all these pictures are worth cheering for. Your family, coworkers, and friends are worth stepping out for.  I would love to share more about my experiences with you if you are struggling and need someone to listen. If you don't have a church home, I would love to invite you to come to church with me. You have a friend in me always. You are worth it all and more importantly God thinks you are worth it all.  Trust Him...He will give you everything you need and more.. in His Perfect timing. Blessings,
                                      Meghann :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Choose to Love

Stop for a minute.
 I know you are busy.
A thousand million things are going through your head right now.
You are worrying about a situation at work. Pay day isn't until Friday. You checked your bank statement and you only have 18$ in your account. The gas tank is almost on E. You slept on your neck wrong. Your friend is mad at you. Your skinny jeans are a little too tight. You ate two pints of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey icecream. You haven't worked out in ages because work is consuming all of your time. Your dad is sick in the hospital. You just found out your friend has cancer. Summer is almost over. You don't want to go back to school.
I could go on and on with the examples of every day thoughts, stresses, and struggles, but there is somebody that has your current list memorized. He knows how you are feeling in this exact moment. And He knows how you will feel this time next week, next year, and ten years from now.
We tend to look at the world and our lives and see all the things that we DON'T have. We focus on our problems and they become ALL CONSUMING.
God never intended for our lives to be that way. He really didn't.
 I think the average person would believe that God loves them. But have you stopped and pondered that statement?
God loves you. He loves me. He made each and every single person different. No one person is alike, yet we all were made in His image. His creation was intended for us to enjoy. And to REALLY enjoy. Look at all the different types of trees, plants, and flowers. I cant even begin to recall how many there are. Maybe 100,000? Why do you think He did that? He created the sun, the moon, and the stars. He created weather, different seasons, changing temperatures.
And don't even get me started on foods. Don't you think the God of the universe could have made it easy for us and not require food to live? Or maybe one type of food, with no taste? There would be no need for chocolate cake. Why not just created a little pill that would sustain us. Give us everything that we would need to survive.
All of these things were given to us to enjoy and because He loves us so much, yet we abuse what we have been given. We abuse it to the point that we don't even realize what we have; what we have been given. We get so caught up in ourselves and in our every day struggles that we forget why we were even made to begin with.
We were created to be in relationship with Our Heavenly Father. He wants that more than anything, and He wants us to glorify Him and thank Him for all that He has done for us.  We look at our problems and the world's problems and think that He has left us; abandoned us, given up on us. But don't you see that those are the lies the Enemy feeds us?
As followers of Christ, when we commit ourselves to God and fully accept Him as Lord of our life, we freely receive the Holy Spirit. Our spirits are made new. Now, the Bible doesn't say our bodies and minds are made new. Only our spirits are made new. Satan still has free reign to attack our body and mind, yet He fears our Spirit, for He knows He can't win against God. The Holy Spirit is our DIRECT line to God. It gives us the opportunity to be in tune with Him. How cool is that? Because the Holy Spirit is within us, we are given gifts and abilities to be all God wants us to be.
We can step out in faith, and know that God is with us, because He is dwelling in each and every one of us.
Today God gave me the gift of laughter and friendship. He specifically showed me how much joy He wants to give when we decide to trust His lead. Jesus taught by example. He had no agenda, no time table, and wasn't concerned about numbers of people He could save each day. He took the time to get to know His people He loved so much. He MADE the time to really get to know them, their problems, their struggles. He sat with them, walked with them, prayed with them. He was present.
He wasn't on his phone texting in the middle of his conversations. He wasn't consumed by work, lost in thoughts from the previous day. He was present. And He wants us to be present and available to others.
Look around you.
Invite someone into your life today that is totally random. Do something unexpected. Show kindness to a stranger.
He has shown me that even though the problems of the world seem huge, He is bigger than all of those problems. He really does love you and this hurting world, but we have to choose to look to Him. We must choose to see past the lies the enemy makes us believe. We must choose to be the change He wants to see in the world. He wants us to share this gift of love He has given us, yet most often than not we shy away from the world; AFRAID of not being good enough, smart enough, talented enough, pretty enough. But we do really have everything we need, right inside of us.
He is here. He IS ENOUGH.
Jesus has used Africa and the beautiful children here to teach me how to be intentional. To show me that God can do BIG things when you are open to letting Him use you.
 His perfect love drives out fear.
Choose to see. Choose to smile. Choose to laugh. Choose to be different. Choose to be used by Him.
But most of all.....
Choose to Love.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

He Chose Me

What comes to mind when you think of a beautiful, rich life?

A few years ago I would have answered the above question in a very different way, but today I find myself in one of the most beautiful, vibrant places in the world. Each morning I wake up to children of all ages, staring at me with big, brown eyes. I love how each child has a distinct look to them, a colorful personaility, each unique in their own way. My favorite part of waking up in Jinja, Uganda is waking up to the children's voices, hearing their laughter.
"Good morning mommy."
 "Mommy, good afternoon." 
Hearing 61 children call you mommy, seeing the joy on their faces, hearing their laughter, is my answer to the above question. A beautiful, rich life is a life that is full of unconditional love, without hesitation.
The kids have taught me that; to love. That is my agenda, that is my every day plan. How can I show the love of Jesus in every situation I am in?

Coming to Africa has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. God has used it to challenge me; to break my heart, and to help me face the reality that this world is facing. He has used it to show me my own heart, which had turned gray, full of pride, bitterness, and anger from Satan's tight hold on my life. I have been pushed out of my comfort zone in so many ways, sharing my whole testimony for the first time in front of dozens of women, and teaching bible lessons to children and teenagers. My first trip to Africa I knew not one single person I was going with at the start. After constant disappointment in my life, my heart knew I needed to be all in for God, no matter what it cost, or it entailed. Yet, each time I have had to step out in faith for God, He has provided me with so much more than I could ever have asked for. He is opening up my eyes to see that He has given me so much more than I ever thought I had, and He continues to surprise me day in and day out, over and over again.

I think the greatest thing Jesus has taught me through everything He has shown me is that I can't expect things or peple to fill the God-shaped void in my heart that has been there since I can remember. God has filled our hearts with longing, but we don't know what we are longing for until we see the breathtaking God. This statement is so true to my life. He is in fact what I have been searching for, chasing after, striving to reach my whole life. The people of Africa, the beautiful children, have shown me the breathtaking God and the love He has for me. I was living such a Me-filled life a few years ago. Our culture pushes us towards pursuing a life lived for ourselves, yet I can't help but remember how empty my life truly seemed to be. Nothing I ever accomplished was good enough. The joy never lasted of reaching my highest goals of achievement. I worshiped many other gods; the god of achievement, the god of family, the god of money, the god of entertainment, and most of all, THE GOD OF ME.
I had to rid my life of all the extra stuff that was in fact dragging me further and further away from where I needed to be; at the center of God's will. Despite disappointing God over and over again, choosing my own way time after time, He never stopped pursuing me, never stopped loving me, never gave up on me. God disrupted my life in a way that I never thought possible, in the form of breaking my heart for those in need in Africa and in Nicaragua, and teaching me what it really meant to live a life of love for Him.

I rejoice in the fact that I am brought to tears by leaving the precious children I have grown to love, in the many places God has sent me. I leave a piece of my heart behind in every country, every village. Each child has brought joy into my heart that I cant even begin to explain. The greatest part about it is that this joy is a blessing and gift from God that doesn't leave. I haven't gone a day without having this joy in my heart, and I can't thank God enough for giving me this special gift. I have figured out this joy is from knowing that God loves me so much, more than I could ever begin to comprehend. He has been waiting for me to give my life to Him completely, for so many years.

Today I am thankful; thankful for the beautiful life He has given me, filled with beautiful children and people to love everywhere He sends me. :)
This is the beautiful, rich life He has promised us all. The question is; Are you willing to take His hand and have Him show you the way?
Love to all from Our Own Home,

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Beauty from God

As I sit in the home of William and Holly Pheni, I can't help but feel a sense of peace, hope, and love beyond my comprehension. Fifteen of the kids are sitting quietly at my feet, soaking in each other's company after a morning of church in jinja town. I can't help but feel how much love the God of the universe has for me; for you; for all of these beautiful children here at Our Own Home, here in this world.
I find that the more time that goes by walking hand in hand, side by side with Jesus, the more my life makes sense. Everything seems to be crystal clear. I see that God's gentle hand has been actively seeking me out over the course of my life time. I see how many times I constantly slipped up; tripped up along the journey, yet God still was at work, whether I realized it or not.
God chose a very unique and special way for me, and in fact I believe He chooses a special, unique way for us all. He disrupted every single plan I had for my life, which in fact was not life at all. I have never really quite understood what being a woman was really all about. I never knew who God wanted me to be as His daughter. I always assumed I would plan out my own life, I would make my own choices. But I had it all wrong.

Most of us like to play it safe. We don't want to let our guards down, don't want to let too many people in, and we protect our hearts in so many different ways. We find a way to make a life of safety, YET we ALL have experienced grief on multiple occassions. I can think of a handful of different things that happened to me over the course of my life. I have had men use, abuse, and trample my heart time and time again. I have lost loved ones. I have had mean words said about me. I have had many disappointments along the way. I understand now that the human heart is a battlefield. And the war is a deadly one, that can only be won with God at your side.
See, most people will not admit that we are in desperate need of one another. God made us to be in relationship with others, yet so many of us shut down, block off the rest of the world, and stay in our safe, small bubble.  When we do this, we completely miss the beautiful life God has in store for all of us. We also miss what it really feels like to love and be loved. You see, God is a romantic God. And women who are reading this, He made us so special and unique. He made us to be beautiful.

Do you tink you are beautiful? I have ALWAYS had issues with thinking that I do not fit the mold of what this world thinks is beautiful. I believe all women struggle with this, whether we admit it or not. The enemy feeds us lines of doubt to think we are fair less than what God really says we are.
Women, we hold a special place in God's heart. Men don't miss this either, women are suppose to be treausred, loved, romanced, and thought beautiful just as God does and thinks of us. To be spiritual is to be in a romance with God. Our TRUE self becomes reflected in our apperance. BUT it flows from the inside out. Our world has it all wrong.  Beauty is what the world longs to experience from a woman. Beauty is within every woman, and this is something that I am just now believing of myself because I finally am understanding what God says about me. Beauty is not what the world says it is. Beauty is in the heart.
Beauty was given to me by God; was given to ALL of us by God. Beauty also may be the most powerful thing on earth. You see, Satan, before He was cast down to earth, was a BEAUTIFUL angel in charge of 1/3 of all the angels in Heaven. God made Him beautiful, radiant, majestic. Satan's beauty turned him prideful, which later caused him to want to be God. Satan was then cast out of Heaven and down to earth, and he is here among us today. We see his work being done through muders, rapes, HIV, cancer, suicide, and many other destructive ways. I truly believe that Satan hates and despises us, because we are at the very heart of God, and we were made in His image. A book I read recently, called Captivating, opened my eyes to see that Satan especially hates women. We bring new life to earth, through bearing children, and mothering friends, family, and loved ones. We bring new life to earth, and Satan wants to detroy all things living. Satan was beautiful when once an angel, and He longs for that beauty, which is found at the heart of EVERY WOMAN. Not just skinny women, tall women, women without pimples, women who are athletic. All women are beautiful and made to be beautiful. Unveiling this beauty is our greatest expression of love, BECAUSE it is what the world most needs from us. We choose to not hide anymore, when we choose to offer our hearts to Jesus and to others.

Jesus offers himself, which is how He loves. When we offer beauty to others, their hearts slowly come to life. God has allowed this truth to be revealed to me through seeing his beauty He placed in my heart, but more importantly, the beauty He has shown me through the beautiful children of this world that many choose to not see. God has given me a new heart, full of passionate love for His hurting children in Africa. This quote expresses exactly what I feel; "The place that God calls us is that place where the worlds deep hunger and our deep desire meet."
God has called all of us to step out in faith, step onto the ledge, and jump into His loving, trusting arms. We can risk stepping out when we are resting in the love of God. He asks us to be vulnerable, to be beautiful, to shine brightly. I finally see how God has made us all beautiful in our very own way. He has given us this beautiful earth to enjoy, which is His amazing way of romancing us; to show us just how much He loves us.
The beautiful children here at Our Own Home in Jinja, Uganda, the breathtaking beautys in South Africa, and my stunning kiddos in Nicaragua have opened my eyes and heart to really, FULLY understanding how loving our God really is. Others may look at the world with hopelessness. Some may say there is too much work to be done. I challenge you to look past the negative, and really SEE the world around you. Look out your window. Stop, and BE PRESENT. Soak in all the beautiful creation around you that God has blessed you with. God has sent angels into my life in the form of these precious kids. THEY are the hope of this world. The beauty in my soul is BEST when shared, and I believe that to be my God-given puprose. The beauty in my heart is Jesus, desperately wanting to be shared.
You have a purpose. You ARE beautiful. God has given you MORE than you could ever imagine. Step onto the ledge.... and JUMP. :)

Love to all.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Red Dirt and My heart on my sleeve

Well God continues to show me His amazing love, grace, and mercy as this journey continues. When you invite God in, NOTHING is impossible. There have been so many God moments during the course of the last week in Cape Town.
Not only did I feel God's love for me through all the amazing women and kids in Langa, but the staff that exceeded our expectations with the beautiful beach home we stayed in, the incredible meals they prepared for us, and the over the top extra mile the whole staff took for the women's conference. The women couldn't repay us, and to be quite honest there was no way we would afford to have something so lavish and glamorous for them. Elaine and Neil really went over the top, giving their VERY best. All the workers gave their best. We were all excited to help. We should ALWAYS give our best, not because we want something in return, but because it is what God gives us and expects us to give others. I am still in awe of everything they did for us. I am definately missing my Cape Town family and team!
 God is at work, His Word is alive. It isn't about us figuring out what God wants us to do. Don't limit God to what we can ask. He does MORE than what we can ask or imagine.
Hollie and I made it to Uganda. Can I say culture shock? The landscape and climate is even completely different; red dirt roads, green lush plants, plam trees, and muggy air flood my senses. Streets are filled with busy people rushing everywhere, cars and motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic.
We arrived very late in Jinja, about 11:00pm. Hollie and I went to bed shortly after we got home. We woke up after a great nights sleep and headed to Our Own Home. We spent the whole day with the kiddos. I can't begin to tell you how much joy they brought to us today. We are now called, "Mommy Meg" and "Mommy Hollie." They all have such vibrant personalities and are so outgoing. We colored, played futbol, played Old Maid, and just loved on all of the children today. Hollie and I just loved today. :)
Thank you for everybody praying for us. We love you dearly.
Meg and Hollie

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

To love without Hesitation

I have now been gone for alitte less than two weeks. The sun is shining down, pouring out it's warmth on my face. I can hear the birds chirping, the waves crashing down, and I can feel the breeze across my face. I close my eyes, stop, and listen all around me. I feel Jesus' all around me; in the air, in my heart, on my skin. I envision that Heaven might feel like what I am feeling now. I image a place such as one I am seeing right now with my very eyes.
I sit back and recall the events of the day, the many precious moments that occured with the children.
As I stood in the courtyard greeting the children this morning, their smiles warmed my heart. As I looked out in the distance, I saw a woman I recognized, hand in hand with little Zimmie and his sister walking along side of her. He hadn't been at our program the day before. When he saw my face, he came running. This little boy looks to his old granny for comfort, help, support. I'm not sure how old she is, but I'm not sure how long she will be able to keep up with him and his sister. Stories like Zimmie's are all around me. AIDS has taken the lives of so many young mothers and fathers. Grannys and aunties are left to take care of 5-10 young children.
I know that some people are just simply overwhelmed to think of all the need in this world. To be honest, alot of the time we can't seem to look past our own needs that we think we have. I believe that God is showing me through children and people's lives, that it isn't all about meeting those GREAT needs. I will never be able do that. It is out of my capability and out of my control. But what I can do is love; just as Jesus loved me I am filled with hope though when I see the results from simply loving these children. I see that God uses kindness and love to lead people into repentence and salvation.
I think what God has changed most about my life over the last year is how I look at him and what I believe of Him. God is my father. For most of my life I never looked at him as my father. I simply just looked at him as the King of the Universe. I never had an intimate relationship with him. I just DID church. I looked at my life in a whole different way. I figured I was a christian, I was saved, and would later on die and go to Heaven. Heaven was a destitation.
As I read the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6, it has finally dawned on me as to what God has wanted from me all my life. God reveals so much in just a short, but powerful prayer. He tells us exactly how to pray and what to pray for. It starts with, "Our Father, who is in Heaven." God could describe himself in so many ways, yet He makes sure He lets us know He is OUR Father. He goes on to say, "Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Heaven isn't suppose to just be experienced in Heaven. God tells us that His Kingdom is meant to be here on earth. Churches today and even christians today tend to be concerned with getting as many people saved and into Heaven as possible. Most people's mind sets aren't focused on bringing God's kingdom here on earth. How can we transform the earth? How can we bring heaven to earth? Alot of people think it is impossible. People turn into a religious audience if we don't teach people to participate in bringing the kingdom to earth. I believe God is wanting us to leverage our lives here on earth by bringing heaven to ALL the earth. He doesn't just say, "Stay in America and help others." He doesn't say, "Go to church and write checks to charities." Jesus tells us to go, love, and spread light to dark places.
Isaiah 58 is a perfect passage as to what the church needs to do in order to bring God's Kingdom here to earth. What pleases God and brings the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth? We are told in this passage: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people. Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives that need help. Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.
How do we bring light into the world and His Kingdom to earth? I believe God is telling us through this passage in Isaiah 58 that we do this by giving, sharing, and extending our soul and spending our lives on helping the oppressed, poor, widowed, and orphaned because they are the ones in the dark. Nowhere was it written to write a check. God didn't send a check to save the world. He sent His Son; a person.
I see with my life that the more I sit and listen to God, the more I hear Him telling me to go. I believe we all are called and meant to go. We are all called to bring His Kingdom to earth. I believe that can be done through loving others without hesitation, sacrificing our time and resources for others, investing in a child who has no family, no parents. God tells us that we are a family, the body of Christ. I think we could all do a better job at this.
There are around 100 million people in America that claim to be christians, which breaks down to probably around 25 million families that are christians. Can you imagine what the world would look like and be like if every single one of those 25 million families sponsored and helped an orphan child in need? These children here in Cape Town, those in Limpopo, and even those in Nicaragua are beautiful, smart, and talented. They have dreams and passions just like you and me, yet they were simply born into poor circumstances, poor countries, places where there are NO opportunities. No people to show interest in their lives because their parents have died from preventable and treatable diseases.
It makes me sick to my stomach to think how wasteful and oblivious I was to the desperate needs of the world just a little over a year ago. Hugs, smiles, and praise are things that we take for granted, yet these children don't receive these things ever.
Friends, we have been richly blessed, and as christians we have an obligation. Jesus promises that if we give, spend our lives, and love those who he loves that are hurting and oppressed, Light will be broughtto the dark places. This is our missional calling-- to be available to God. He wants to use each and every one of us. I can't begin to explain what it means to these beautiful children that people want to invest in their lives. All they need is love. They have taught me how to love without hesitation. They have taught me what it really means to be like Jesus. Zimmie showed me today what unconditional love looks like. He didn't expect anything out of me in return. Within two days, this precious child of God gave me the new name of "mama". He wasnt wanting me to give him things or to buy him things. He simply looked at me, smiled, buried his head into my chest, and wanted love. He needed a smile; needed a hug; needed love. Isn't that what we all want? Jesus wants our love, and by loving others in need, we are loving Jesus, just as He would want us to love.

Monday, July 1, 2013

God's Creativity (Cape Town, Langa church service, and first day of VBS)

I am happy to say that I safely made it to Cape Town after a beautiful time in Limpopo. Can I just say that this place is the most beautiful place I have ever seen? As I sit and type on the porch of an incredible home I have the honor of staying in, 50 feet away from the beach, listening to the waves crash into the banks, looking at Table Mountain, I am in awe of how God has brought me here and amazed and honored to be here in and for His name.

The children of Langa have already captured my heart. Church was amazing yesterday, filled with so much love and joy. A little boy named Zimmie captured my heart right from the beginning. I learned that his father is drinking and not in the picture. His granny is caring for him. What a sweet lady she is. I am missing all those that were a part of the team last week in Limpopo. I pray that they are safely back home. I am excited to have a new set of friends and team members here in Cape Town though. We are holding a VBS for the children of Langa Township 4 days this week. The ladies of the team are also holding a women's conference Thursday. I am so excited to be a part of God's work here in beautiful Cape Town.
We had a wonderful first day of VBS today with the kids. I am working on games this week; leading the kids in stretching and in relays, soccer games, and other various activities. I just love how energetic the kids are. We laughed so much today, playing in the sunshine, with the beautiful mountains in the background.
Cape Town is a place of vast contrast. There are very wealthy areas, and then there are townships filled with shack, after shack, after shack. These shacks are like some that I have never seen before. They literally are on top of one another, with no yard or space really at all. It is incredible to see how they are living, yet the children are so happy and eager to learn from us.
Today's devotion this morning really spoke to me.
Proverbs 31:8 says, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice."
I see that I am in a postion to be a defender for these children in need.
I love how God continues to show me that He is a father. A father has a family. Jesus tells us don't just be religious. This thing called life isn't all about a system. The church is a family. Period. God is a father. He has a family here on earth that He loves dearly. Friends, it is imparitive to see and understand this so we can see how important it is to care for orphans, widows, and the poor. The townships here in cape town were set up in apartheid for the blacks to live seperately that whites. The government enforced this, but God has a heart for them.
When we think of religion, we like to attach certain things to it; going to church, being a part of a bible study, leading a small group, getting baptized. All of these things are for OURSELVES. We must get out of ourselves. We have to do something with all the stuff we are learning about who God really is.
James 1:27 says, "Pure and genuine religion and devotion is looking after orphans in distress. " If we can't do this, what are we doing?
God wants us to care for those that need family. This will keep us from being corrupted by this world we live in. I can not begin to tell you how God has taught me and healed me through being his hands and feet to those that have nobody to turn to for help. Obed and Moises, my two beautiful boys, have brought me more joy than I can even begin to tell you. God has healed my painful wounds of the past because of the love he has given to me through caring for His hurting people in this world. What I am doing in Africa the next two months is MUCH bigger than just a humanitarian project. It is about reflecting the image of God. I can't do everything but I can do something to represent God to people in distress. We all can do something. God wants you to discover who He really is by diving into His Word and listening to the plans He has for your life.
I am excited to see what God does with this week and the time I have with the children here in Langa. Thank you Jesus for everything you are doing through this team, for what you did last week. I pray for all those who are reading this blog right now. Speak into their lives. Help me to be everything you want me to be in this world. I give all the glory, honor, and praise to you.
Missing you all back in the States.
TRUST that God is doing miraculous things through me, this team, and through you. :) Love you. Many blessings.

Tear filled goodbyes, new beginnings June 28-June 30th

The week in Limpopo has been one that I will cherish forever. I honestly couldn't be more filled. My cup is over flowing. The end of the week was just as incredible as the beginning. Thursday was filled with seeing my BEAUTIFUL boy, Obed again. I also was able to stand in for friends; my parents, Stacy, Dave and Dawn, and shiee and meet their beautiful children again as well.
Dineo, my parent's 2 year old little girl, was waiting with her granny outside of Segkopo village. Last October I had the privilege of being able go there and meet my boy Obed and many other wonderful children. The kids at Segkopo have had more teams of people from America come in and conduct programs for them than any other village. And it shows. These kids are so on fire for God. They have the most amazing choir, dance groups, and talented kids. They are thriving, and it is all because faithful people are answering the call from God to come and invest in their lives.
All these kids need is hope. Hope that only God can provide. God is providing it by using people. Never once in the Bible do you read that Jesus wrote a check to fix a problem or perform a miracle. Jesus sent people; ordinary people to do mighty works. I find it humbling to know that God has chosen me to do his work in Africa, Nicaragua, and at home.
He is bringing me joy and so many blessings by just being obedient to him. Obed is one of the greatest blessings he has given me. I can't describe the feeling I had all day seeing him, touching him, being around him. I can honestly say that I love that sweet, innocent boy with everything that I have. A love like this can only come from one person; God. Jesus has given me this love, and I am so grateful that He has trusted me with giving hope, encouragment, and love to this beautiful boy. I am just simply in awe of what He has given me; entrusted me with, and how He is moving in my life. I have decided to stop following Jesus, rather I want to imitate Him. I must follow God's example.
I find myself asking, "How will I ever be able to process all that I will and have seen in Africa over the next two months?" You know, Jesus wasn't a beautiful man-- there was nothing majestic about him. The kids in Africa and in all poor countries of the world are forced to live ni poverty. They are forgotten. Jesus had a lot of people that wanted something from him, but FEW wanted just him. Jesus came from a very poor place; Nazareth. Can anything good come out of such a poor place? We usually don't consider what Jesus did for us. God sent his only Son, at His will, to cause his son to suffer for teh sake of every single human being. I can't imagine sending my son, Obed, one who I didn't even birth myself, to suffer the way Jesus did. I just can't hardly stand to think of that. Yet, Jesus was on the cross filled with joy to see what He would accomplish.

 The exposure of seeing the pain here in Africa is bringing something better, just as Jesus did for us. God has me here following His example. The pain is real. Real in the children's lives, the women's lives, and in my life. How did Jesus show himself? He suffered himself. God isn't here to give us a perfect life, and I am ok with that. I realize that I have been blessed more than I ever thought possible.

Teen Retreat Monday-Wed June 24-26th

First of all I would like to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! :) Sending you love and hugs from Africa! Today I teach a lesson to the teens at our retreat we are holding for 32 teenagers at Matipane. We are bussing in 32 teens, boys and girls, to stay at our retreat center at Ava Maria and conducting a program for them based on the story of Moses in Exodus.
I ask myself how can I give these children myself? It is a life long process, a life long journey. I need to make sure that I am always aware of the gap and the disconnect between myself and Africans.
The teens made it to Ava maria and we broke them up into 5 different tables; 3 girl tables and 2 boy tables. We showed them to their rooms. They were shy, but seemed very excited to be there. Doug, our team leader, led us in a very powerful first session, showing and telling us who God says He is and how he uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. My table of 6 girls was very shy. I was the first lesson after Doug led us off. I am not going to lie, I was pretty nervous about teaching, but God blessed me in so many ways. He not only took away all of my nerves, but my translator, Victor, was somebody I knew and worked with in Ramaroka back when I was in Africa in October. I was so excited to see him, and to get to work with him again.
While I was teaching and giving The Word to the teens and using bits and pieces of my testimony to reach the kids, I couldn't have felt more at ease. The feeling I had while speaking was just one that I can not even begin to describe. It was incredible. I felt like I was exactly where I was meant to be. I never knew how much I could enjoy speaking in front of a large group, and teaching about our amazing God. The words seemed to flow out effortlessly. I know in my heart that the Holy Spirit was giving me all the right things to say. God was using me in such a powerful way. The testimony part of my teaching made a girl break out into tears at my team member and roommate, lisa's table. After I was done, Lisa pulled me aside and whispered to me, "You moved this girl to tears at my table, and if reaching her heart is the only reason you were meant to be here in Africa, then it was def worth coming."
Our sessions went till around 10pm. I enjoyed getting to spend time with Victor, our translate. I am amazed to hear how God is working in his life. He is a pastor of a church of more than 200 members now. What a powerful example of what being sponsored does for a child, and what being a part of a VBS team or retreat team does for kids and teenagers. Five years ago Victor was introduced to a team of Americans that Doug was leading. He was a part of a VBS program that they were putting on his village. Because of the Word and what that team taught Victor through the program they put on in Africa, Victor committed his life to Christ, and now he is living his life for God. He is now leading many others towards following Jesus.
The last day of the retreat was incredible. Doug taught the last lesson on how Moses was a shadow of what was to come in Jesus. Moses and Jesus' lives were very similar. We have been blessed with more than what we deserve. We really have never suffereed. Africans suffer greatly. We don't understand how they do it sometimes. We must learn how to share what GOd hasgiven us. We live for purporses bigger than our own. We asked all the teenagers two questions. What have I been saved from, and what have I been saved for?
I pondered the two questions myself. I have been saved from brokenness and fear. I have been saved to be a light to my family, and to spread God's love to those in need all around the world. I want to be a worker for God. It was so wonderful to hear all the teens take aways from the 3 day retreat. A few of us rode the bus back to Matipane village to see how the rest of the team was doing with their VBS with the rest of the orphans in the village. I was overwhelmed with compassion and love for three little girls that sat next to me during our singing time with the village children. I also am amazed at how God has brought Hollie and I divinely together for this summer-- to walk, grow, and heal together. Thank you Jesus for an incredible 3 days with some of the most talented, loving, and inspiring teenagers in the world. Thank you Jesus for breaking my heart, over and over again.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

African Worship June 23-June 24

I am here in Africa because the love of God has compelled me to be here. God has called me to be here; in this moment. What an honor and blessing that is to be here on his behalf. The kingdom of God works best when we go to each other. Missions is a process of growing your faith; not knowing when and where the money for funding God's work will come from. It takes having faith that God will speak and use the right people, and man he SURE DID. I thank God for each and every person that made this journey possible for me. It's amazing how many people God used and how faithful so many were to his calling on each life. God has been teaching me in the last year that  if I am willing to fight His battle, He will provide. God surely has provided for me in more ways than just one, but I am constantly reminded that it is a battle field. The battle field is very evident here. The enemy hates what we have come to do here in Africa. The people of Africa don't exactly know what to do about the problem of orphans here. The answer is simply God.

There are so many orphans all around the world. They are the forgotten, the lost, and at times invisible. Psalm 68:4 says that God is a father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows. He sets the lonely in families. I have come to see that I have expanded my family. I am family to Obed, to Osvaldo and Moises. James 1:27 says, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orpahns and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." This verse really spoke to me today. It is one that I am familiar with, but it is one that hits me right in the chest when I look at the beautiful faces of the children and people I saw at church today in Matipane. Doug taught a lesson on worry at church today. First, we got to introduce ourselves to the congregation. Can I just tell you that we were greeted with the warmest of welcomings. The worship leader and pastor wanted us to spread out amongst the people. No white person was allowed to sit by another white. We all had to be mixed, for they said we were all a part of God's family. It brought me to think about myself and how I am at my own home church. I generally sit in the same row, with the same people, every single Sunday. God spoke to me that I need to reach out and spread my wings. I need to get out of my normal, regular row, and be warm, welcoming, and inviting to others.
The sermon was about worrry; something that overcomes many of us on a regular basis. There are so many things we worry about. Worry isn't about where we are at in the world. Most of us think that if we just had more money we wouldn't have anything to worry about. Worry is universal. It comes from the enemy.
I know many people at home have worried about my stay here, my safety, my return. The team has also worried about how we will be able to accomplish all God wants us to accomplish here in Limpopo. God is moving though and showing that He is mighty and able. I have never seen people worship in such a big way. The people at church today showed me such a passion and love for God by their worship. They inspired me to not hold back, to give EVERYTHING over to God. We had no stage, no grand performance, no sound system, or lighting system. We didn't have air conditioning or heat. We didn't have fancy, comfortable chairs. All we had was a space made from metal and wood logs. Half of the roof was missing, letting the sunlight shine down on us. We all were from different backgrounds, wearing different clothes, speaking different languages, YET I have never felt God's presence so strong. I saw and felt God in powerful ways. I saw God at work in the middle of nowhere, in a dirt field in Africa. God doesn't need to be created into something He is not. We don't need to make him more attractive by having a beautiful church building, creating church into a huge production. God is his own production, and it was very clear to me at church today. The people of Matipane have a passion and love for God that is contagious. I want that, and I felt Him in such a powerful way today, in a way that is very hard to explain.
All I know is to stay connected; to feel God in this way, I must be intentional. I must love Him without hesitation, and I must love others in a way that God first loved us.

Back Home again :) Saturday, Sunday June 22 and 23

Saturday, Sunday-- June 22 and 23 2013

We finally made it to AFRICA!!!!  Dad and I left Thursday morning for the airport really early. I met Sandy and Addie there, and we flew the short ways to DC. We had a 6 hour layover there. We ate lunch at Max and Ermas, met a lovely grandma and granddaughter going on her 14th birthday trip to South Africa.
We arrived Friday evening at about 6:30pm. A man was missing on the flight when we stopped in Dakar. It delayed us a bit, but Doug and Johnny were there to pick us up. It was wonderful to hug and see Johnny again! I missed my south African Dad! 
We drove to the City Lodge, where we met the Michigan team. Addie, Doug and Sandy's 10 year old grand daughter shared a room. We got situated and met everybody down for dinner. It was wonderful to see and meet the whole team. There are 22 members in total, which is the largest team i have ever been on. We headed to bed about 10:30pm. 
I woke up early this morning feeling pretty good and well rested. Thank you lord for providing safe travels. I can't believe we are FINALLY in Africa. I never in my wildest dreams  thought i would be back so soon. :) I am not complaining though. 
Lord, I ask  you to help me to be open to seeing and feeling everything you want me to see and feel. I pray for safe travels as we drive to Ava Maria, the retreat center we will be staying the week at. Looking forward to a beautiful day. Help me to be thankful for everything that I have.
Psalm 4:7-8 says, " You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and wine. In peace i will lie down and sleep, for you alone will keep me safe.
God really has given me greater joy than I could ever have imagined. Africa is home, and it truly feels so wonderful to be back.  This country is one that has such GREAT contrast. God wants us to believe enough to be sent into the world as believers. Having faith in the one true God sets us apart. I know and feel in my heart that God has sent me to Africa this summer. I know not everybody understands, not everybody will understand, but this week, in this moment, I pray for those that i know God will put in my path that will understand the work that is being done, my love for Jesus, and those lives that I will touch through His work I am doing. Jesus was a servant. Jesus is not about meeting needs. He is about making disciples in His image. Jesus started pulling guys together. And I am excited for the guys He has pulled together for this week's retreat and VBS teachings.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Yakosa, A Beautiful Blessing

With less than two weeks until I fly away to Africa, My God has been readily preparing the way for me with each passing day. I am growing, learning, and preparing my heart and mind for the days ahead. Each day brings on new meaning as I hold myself responsible to soaking in all the time I can with those I love and hold dear to my heart here in the States. I have never been gone for more than two weeks out of the country. As I ponder what it might be like to be gone for so long, I sit and wonder what my heart will feel like being in Africa again, working with the beautiful children, and then returning home.

This journey, unlike any other, has brought much peace and comfort on the preparation side of things. I was filled with many fears with the last trips, not knowing what to expect. I feel at ease this time around, which I think has a lot to do with my growing faith and trust in God. He truly has prepared the way for me, and I feel this favor and blessing upon me daily.

A rare and beautiful moment was presented to me last night during my work out with my mother. I am blessed to live in a beautiful area, filled with running trails through the woods and celery bog. Last night's weather was just perfect; a cool breeze, a beautiful sunset, and my mother by my side to fellowship and talk about life and the upcoming plans ahead for us. We started our 4 mile hike just at dusk. At the end, we sometimes choose to stay straight on the road that my home sits on or turn left into a neighborhood and go the back way. My mom commented and asked, "Would you like to turn into the neighborhood?" I thought she asked if we could just stay straight, which would lead us to being on the wrong side of the road. I told her we needed to cross so we would be on the sidewalk away from the cars. She didn't really question my answer, though she was a bit confused, so we kept on walking, only 1/4 mile away from my home.

As we were coming up to the part of the road where we cross, I noticed a woman with her backpack on the ground, waiting at the bus stop. Many city and campus buses pass each and every day, as many students live in the apartment complex across the street. I seemingly pass the strangers that are waiting every day on my runs/walks; most listening to music, reading a book, or just simply consumed by their smart phones. This time was different though. The woman stood alone, with no others waiting for the bus, with it also being close to 10:00pm. As we got ready to pass her, I heard a polite "excuse me" coming from her direction. We stopped, smiled, and listened for the next words to come.
A sweet, beautiful woman, smiled back at me timidly and asked, " I do not have a smart phone, and I have been waiting for the bus for over an hour. Would you mind looking at your phone to see when the next bus comes?"
Easy enough task right? I walked closer to her, phone in hand, and proceeded to look up the bus schedules, which I didn't have much luck in finding. The woman had a heavy accent, one I recognized from my trip to South Africa in October. She had rich, beautiful skin, and I instantly knew she was from a country in Africa. A few minutes passed, and with a little bit of hesitation at first, we decided in a moment to just give the woman a ride home. She was only going a couple miles down the street . We motioned for her to walk the short distance to our cars, and she followed with a slight hesitation as well.
As we approached the cars my mother said she would run inside to get her keys, leaving both of us outside in the parking lot waiting.
"What is your name?" I asked.
"Yakosa. I am from Malawi, Africa," she replied.
My eyes lit up as I began to tell her my name and that I would be going to Africa in just a few weeks. I told her about my trip and what I would be doing. She asked what church I was going with and I told her all about Horizon International and the adventures ahead of me. She then began to open up about how she was going to Purdue, getting her masters in agriculture, and leaving to go back home in late July to teach the farmers in her village what she learned.
As we stood together, talking, and getting to know each other, we heard the sound of the passing bus go by.
 She pointed, with a look of disbelief saying, "AHH, there goes the bus."
 I smiled.
 "No worries, we were meant to be together and meet each other tonight."
We all hopped into the car, ready to make the short drive to where Yakosa had been staying. As we drove off, Yakosa began to share with us that she had been in the middle of praying when we had walked up. She told us that she had started to complain after about 20 minutes of waiting, but God told her to stop, thank Him for the beautiful evening, and start praying and trusting that God had a plan and would never forsake her. After about 40 minutes of praying that God would bring the right people to help her, my mother and I walked up.

She told us that we were angels sent from God and answers to her prayers that evening. My mom and I were stunned; speechless. The next 15 minutes we exchanged words of encouragement and  talked about how amazing Our God is that we serve. As we pulled up to her home, Yakosa and I exchanged emails and hugs, as if we had been long time friends. She got out of the car, hugged my mother and I both, and stood and waved as we drove away. My mother and I turned to each other, with tears in our eyes, in awe.

What a blessing and gift God gave us in meeting and helping Yakosa. My mom had been worrying about my trip, having never been to Africa. The unknown is what frightens her. She looked at me and said, "God sent me Yakosa tonight to show me that I have nothing to fear while you are gone in Africa. God showed me a little bit of Africa here in Lafayette tonight."
I can't explain what happened in the short 25 minutes we had with Yakosa. God's presence filled the car and our hearts as we became instant friends because of our same love for God.
What makes me sad is that I'm not sure what would have happened if God had given me that opportunity a few years ago. I would have stopped, but I'm certain I would have been very hesitant in taking her home, fearing the possibilities of what might happen considering she was a stranger to me.
The blessing though is that God has given me new eyes and a new heart that longs to see what He sees in people and that feels what He feels. I am thankful I was able to see the blessing right in front of my eyes.

Yakosa also taught me a valuable lesson about my own prayer life. I need to trust more and believe in the prayers I am offering up to God each and every day. Sometimes Prayer to me seems like smoke that wafts up from my lips and quickly floats away in the air, unheard and meaningless. I sometimes feel that God isn't hearing what I am saying or even cares for that matter. I catch myself at times thinking, "God has bigger issues" or "I am not really that gifted in prayer". I usually connect those doubts with Satan trying to work in my life to catch me in a moment of weakness.

My friends in Africa and Nicaragua sometimes seem like they have an edge on me. God chose them to be rich in faith. Helplessness and faith are essential and vital for a growing, strong prayer life. I need to learn from my dear friends. Christians living in poverty can not rely on their possessions for security and comfort. They must solely rely on God's promises. Most of the time they only have God to turn to, not a paycheck, a car, or a new winter coat. When they pray, they pray with urgency. They pray hard and faithfully. And THAT is what I need. As I come to God with my prayers, I need to forget about all the stuff that I have, and remember to trust God's power. Praying changes who I am and why I do things. The Holy Spirit will take over my heart and mind, and give me thoughts intertwined with God's thoughts. He will give me lasting reasons to serve those in need. Without prayer, my own abilities and reasons for wanting to help will diminish. They will run dry. I must remember to keep in constant prayer; asking God to keep my heart open to the things He wants me to feel and see.

Last night was such a gift, and I thank God for my new friend, Yakosa. I pray that God blesses her and her family as she stepped out in faith and is doing amazing things for her country of Malawi.
Have a beautiful weekend friends!
Many blessings filled with God's LOVE,

Meg :)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Much has been Given

Hello Friends,

The count down begins. I leave for my journey to Africa in 20 days. I can hardly believe it. Each day God continues to piece every little detail together regarding the trip. With each passing day, I am reminded of how much God loves me, how God is taking care of me, and how God will use me this summer in Africa. Each donation and with every card of encouragement I am reminded of how God has everything figured out.

As I have been preparing spiritually over the course of the last few months, I continue to grow closer to God daily. A particular verse has struck me dead in my tracks, causing me to pause and share the meaning that the verse has in my life today.

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." - Luke 12:48
A few years ago, I wouldn't have thought much at all about this verse. I would have probably made the conclusion that I really didn't have THAT much, so the verse probably didn't really apply to me. I also probably would have stated that I wasn't entrusted with much of anything either, so much wouldn't have been asked of me either.  I would have looked at the worldly possessions that I had, which in my opinion at the time, didn't add up to much. I had a car I drove in high school that my parents graciously bought for me. I had my own furniture that I owned, a laptop, a cell phone, a closet full of clothes. None of what I possessed seemed to be that special or out of the ordinary. Everything was of basic necessity, or so I thought.
But now, after what I have seen, how MOST of the rest of the world lives, God has used this verse to truly speak directly into my life. And if I am being honest, I could almost be brought to tears at the sheer love that I feel when I am reminded of ALL that I have been given AND entrusted with.

Why don't you stop and take a few minutes to ponder over what you have been given? Have you been given much? I know I certainly have. I have been given a beautiful apartment, one that I have had the privilege of decorating and painting exactly how I have wanted. I have been given an amazing, new job over the last year; one that I love and am truly blessed to possess. I have been given new friendships; real and lasting ones; friends that I can call in any time of need, with any trouble. I have been given a new heart; one that is seeking after God and expanding His Kingdom. I have been given two, beautiful, sweet, loving boys, who I have had the blessing of meeting and loving on in the country where they are from. I have been given the opportunity to be a part of 3 different teams,
spreading God's love in Africa and in Nicaragua. I have been given the opportunity to spend the summer in Africa, loving on orphans, children who are forgotten even in their own cultures and countries.
What strikes me as the most amazing part of this list of blessings is that all of these gifts came from God and were given because He loves me so much. Did I need to paint my apartment three different colors? No, not at all. Did I have to start sponsoring my two precious boys or take any of the trips I have been on in the last year? Technically, no I didn't have to. It wasn't a life or death decision according to a world view. 

As I ponder over all that has been given to me, I can't help but remember the beautiful faces of those less fortunate than myself that I have met in Nicaragua and in Africa. I could have just as easily been born in South Africa, Ethiopia, or Nicaragua. But God chose differently for me. Acts 17:26-27 says, "God determined the times set for men and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us." God had a reason for placing me exactly when and where he did, as the daughter of a middle class business owner and kindergarten teacher in West Lafayette, Indiana. It might seem pretty random, but it wasn't.

I realize that God was the one that gave me everything, and I take great pride and joy in knowing that He entrusted me with everything that I own. He trusts me to bless me enough with Obed and Moises. He trusts me with opportunity after opportunity to be His Hands and Feet in Africa and Nicaragua. He has trusted me enough to send me to Africa for two months this summer. He trusts me enough to provide a job that I love, that gives me the opportunity to serve Him in other countries. The more and more I trust Him, the more and more He blesses me. God also prepared particular good works for me. God has been planning and preparing in advance, giving me exactly what I needed to find him and do the good works He has planned for me.
You and I could choose to shut out the troubles of this world, stay quietly at home, and enjoy a comfortable, pleasant life here in the United States, ignoring the staggering numbers of deaths from starvation, AIDS, and other preventable diseases that steal the lives of so many each and every day. Or, we could use our positions as children of God, to speak up for the oppressed, risk comforts and devote time into investing in those who need the Light of Jesus brought to them.

Could it be that God has placed me or you in a position of comfort and material power for such a as time as today? I'm definitely not a savior of the world, but God is always on the move, ready to raise up relief and deliverance, PEOPLE who will go for Him, who will be His hands and feet. I believe I am a part of THAT Plan. My piece of that plan may seem small, as if it doesn't matter, but I'm just one part of the body of Christ. God IS on the move to change the world one person at a time. Obed and Moises are two small boys that have had their world changed forever. If Obed had living parents, the difference I have made for him would matter to his mother and father. It matters to both boys.

I am convinced that God is asking me to dance with Him, and we are finally in fact dancing together, at the same pace. I have been asked much, but He also is giving me much in return. And we surely are dancing the most beautiful dance I have ever been a part of. The craziest part about this dance is that God is really only asking one thing of me. I wish I could say the same about my daily requests I offer to God. Believe me, I don't just ask for one thing. I ask much of Him, and He only asks one thing from me; LOVE. He asks that I love Him with all my heart, all my mind, and all my soul. He also asks me to love those who are hard to love; those who are easy to love; those who are forgotten, those who are alone. He asks me to love every single person in this world,
and He has given me MANY opportunities to do so.

Those opportunities haven't just been presented to me in Africa or Nicaragua. He has given me many here in Indiana, in my every day life. Friends, I urge you to take a look at the beautiful life God has given  you. If you are reading this blog post, you are not physically hurting for anything. You have been given much, and much is being asked of you; much in the form of loving God and loving others.Take heart, for God loves you and trusts you. You have been hand chosen by Him. You are special and loved more than you will ever know or be able to comprehend. You have so much to offer, so much love to be shared with others.

Start dancing with God today. Some of you may say that you can't dance and you have no idea how. Let God lead. He will show you. All you have to do is follow His perfect, planned, precise, steps. Everybody surely can dance! :)

Love you all.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

God is Not Silent

As each new day passes by, and I grow closer to leaving for Africa for a two month journey, God continues to prove his faithfulness and the promises He has made to me in His Word. I have realized, more than I would like to admit, that this struggling, hurting world has conformed my thoughts, desires, and dreams. I have totally been affected by what this world values-- achievements, independence, money, and busyness. Over the years, I have allowed my heart to grow cold towards the "rest of the world." Out of sight, out of mind defined my life for many MANY YEARS.

Growing up, I never was in need of anything. I was blessed to be born into a wealthy, loving, family who happened to live in the United States of America. I grew up taking everything I had for granted. Education was simply something that was required and expected. Meals were never scarce. Money was never a problem. I have never given a thought to the abundance amount of clothes that hang in my closet or the 20 pairs of shoes I must own. Running water, flushing toilets, and electricity never once crossed my mind growing up, becoming a teenager and later moving out and going to college.
As a college girl, life seemed to have a few more responsibilities; paying my rent on time, buying groceries, and attending my college classes. But still a sense of ENTITLEMENT plagued my seemingly dead to the rest of the world body. My college scholarship was earned by who? ME. I had put in grueling and countless hours of hard work into getting a gymnastics scholarship. Surely, I was owed everything that had been given to me. And what did this worldly attitude provide me? Nothing but a indifferent life style that left me feeling small, empty, and unfulfilled.

My attitude revolved solely on my small, insignificant kingdom I had built around myself; everything centered on my gymnastics career, the athlete boyfriend I had to have, and the many so called "Friends" I had in order for me to experience happiness and joy. Yet, as time passed by, the emptiness always came back. The longing feeling I had to want a life that was fulfilling always seemed to be close by, yet somehow so far out of reach.

Have you ever felt this? I am sure most of you know what I am talking about. I tried to create a fulfilling life for myself. I was driven and hardworking. The goals I set for myself seemed to be good ones; earning my degree in hopes to be a University Athletic Director, getting married, having children, etc. Yet, my pursuit of these dreams I had for myself never gave me full satisfaction. I wasn't sure what was wrong with me. Why wasn't I happy? Didn't I have everything I would ever want or desire? My school was paid for, I was treated with the utmost respect being an athlete, I had what seemed be a decent relationship with a like-minded man, and I had love and support from my family and friends.

Still, I knew something needed to change. I felt it at the core of my very being. My heart longed and ached for something more, yet I couldn't put my finger on what was missing. I believed I had given my life to God, yet my actions were not showing that I even knew Him or was a friend of Jesus'. I told myself I was a Christian, yet nothing about my lifestyle made others believe I was Jesus' follower. My eyes were blinded, a veil covered my face, and ultimately I was living in a dark world plagued by my selfish life style. I considered myself to be a good person. I was devoted to my boyfriend, my friends, and my family. I didn't cheat, lie, or steal. I worked hard in my classes and in gymnastics, but every single part of my daily routine was solely done for myself. I did everything for me, never going out of my way or out of my comfort zone to do anything for anybody else. Sure, I would buy my friends birthday gifts, send my parents cards to express my love and appreciation for them, yet I never gave until it hurt, I was glorifying myself in all of my actions.

My small Kingdom I had grown to gradually build up around me over the 21 years of life I had lived came tumbling down in the blink of an eye when gymnastics and my fiancé were stripped away from me. Everything in my life seemed to be spiraling down, and I had no control of anything. I was lost, hurt, and filled with anger as everything I had worked so hard for came crashing down and was gone in an instant. I hit rock bottom, and finally was able to see that God was waiting there at the bottom, as My Rock, for me to finally confront him and give Him free reign over my life. But in my darkest days, I was able to rely not on myself, but on God to bring me to true life, true happiness, and true joy.

Gone are the days that my life is defined by being a gymnast. God has revealed himself to me, and I am now defined and known as a woman after God's own heart. I see now how broken this world is, and I have seen Jesus in the children and people of Nicaragua and Africa. God has mended my broken heart with the giving of my heart, piece by piece, away to the less fortunate, the poor, and the orphans of this world. God is my comfort and strength in my times of need. I have finally confronted my worldly heart and I have asked God to transform it into the heart that He has always wanted me to have. I now realize that I needed the Holy Spirit to change me and the Scriptures to renew my mind so I wouldn't conform to the world any longer.

Christ didn't scramble to elevate his position in the world. Instead He willingly moved downward-- far, far downward. And not only did he assume the lowest position, he placed special value on those around him who were also in the lowest positions; the widows and orphans of this world.
I can't thank God enough for this continual faith in me. I have a long way to go, but I thank God that He is revealing himself more and more every day. He is teaching me what it means to put Him at the top of life, deny myself daily, and take up the cross instead. I can't wait to show His love and share His love to those in Africa in just a few weeks. I can see the children now, their faces bearing the image of Jesus.
I praise God for using each and everyone of you, helping me to be the woman I am today, planting seeds, saying prayers, and offering love and financial support as I embark on this amazing new life God has given me.
I am honored to go and be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need love and affection. These people, the children in these pictures, have saved my life, and brought me to the feet of Jesus, and I can't thank them enough for showing me who Jesus really is and that I have a forever friend in Him.
Blessings and Love to you all,