Sunday, June 30, 2013

Back Home again :) Saturday, Sunday June 22 and 23

Saturday, Sunday-- June 22 and 23 2013

We finally made it to AFRICA!!!!  Dad and I left Thursday morning for the airport really early. I met Sandy and Addie there, and we flew the short ways to DC. We had a 6 hour layover there. We ate lunch at Max and Ermas, met a lovely grandma and granddaughter going on her 14th birthday trip to South Africa.
We arrived Friday evening at about 6:30pm. A man was missing on the flight when we stopped in Dakar. It delayed us a bit, but Doug and Johnny were there to pick us up. It was wonderful to hug and see Johnny again! I missed my south African Dad! 
We drove to the City Lodge, where we met the Michigan team. Addie, Doug and Sandy's 10 year old grand daughter shared a room. We got situated and met everybody down for dinner. It was wonderful to see and meet the whole team. There are 22 members in total, which is the largest team i have ever been on. We headed to bed about 10:30pm. 
I woke up early this morning feeling pretty good and well rested. Thank you lord for providing safe travels. I can't believe we are FINALLY in Africa. I never in my wildest dreams  thought i would be back so soon. :) I am not complaining though. 
Lord, I ask  you to help me to be open to seeing and feeling everything you want me to see and feel. I pray for safe travels as we drive to Ava Maria, the retreat center we will be staying the week at. Looking forward to a beautiful day. Help me to be thankful for everything that I have.
Psalm 4:7-8 says, " You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and wine. In peace i will lie down and sleep, for you alone will keep me safe.
God really has given me greater joy than I could ever have imagined. Africa is home, and it truly feels so wonderful to be back.  This country is one that has such GREAT contrast. God wants us to believe enough to be sent into the world as believers. Having faith in the one true God sets us apart. I know and feel in my heart that God has sent me to Africa this summer. I know not everybody understands, not everybody will understand, but this week, in this moment, I pray for those that i know God will put in my path that will understand the work that is being done, my love for Jesus, and those lives that I will touch through His work I am doing. Jesus was a servant. Jesus is not about meeting needs. He is about making disciples in His image. Jesus started pulling guys together. And I am excited for the guys He has pulled together for this week's retreat and VBS teachings.

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