Monday, July 1, 2013

Teen Retreat Monday-Wed June 24-26th

First of all I would like to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! :) Sending you love and hugs from Africa! Today I teach a lesson to the teens at our retreat we are holding for 32 teenagers at Matipane. We are bussing in 32 teens, boys and girls, to stay at our retreat center at Ava Maria and conducting a program for them based on the story of Moses in Exodus.
I ask myself how can I give these children myself? It is a life long process, a life long journey. I need to make sure that I am always aware of the gap and the disconnect between myself and Africans.
The teens made it to Ava maria and we broke them up into 5 different tables; 3 girl tables and 2 boy tables. We showed them to their rooms. They were shy, but seemed very excited to be there. Doug, our team leader, led us in a very powerful first session, showing and telling us who God says He is and how he uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. My table of 6 girls was very shy. I was the first lesson after Doug led us off. I am not going to lie, I was pretty nervous about teaching, but God blessed me in so many ways. He not only took away all of my nerves, but my translator, Victor, was somebody I knew and worked with in Ramaroka back when I was in Africa in October. I was so excited to see him, and to get to work with him again.
While I was teaching and giving The Word to the teens and using bits and pieces of my testimony to reach the kids, I couldn't have felt more at ease. The feeling I had while speaking was just one that I can not even begin to describe. It was incredible. I felt like I was exactly where I was meant to be. I never knew how much I could enjoy speaking in front of a large group, and teaching about our amazing God. The words seemed to flow out effortlessly. I know in my heart that the Holy Spirit was giving me all the right things to say. God was using me in such a powerful way. The testimony part of my teaching made a girl break out into tears at my team member and roommate, lisa's table. After I was done, Lisa pulled me aside and whispered to me, "You moved this girl to tears at my table, and if reaching her heart is the only reason you were meant to be here in Africa, then it was def worth coming."
Our sessions went till around 10pm. I enjoyed getting to spend time with Victor, our translate. I am amazed to hear how God is working in his life. He is a pastor of a church of more than 200 members now. What a powerful example of what being sponsored does for a child, and what being a part of a VBS team or retreat team does for kids and teenagers. Five years ago Victor was introduced to a team of Americans that Doug was leading. He was a part of a VBS program that they were putting on his village. Because of the Word and what that team taught Victor through the program they put on in Africa, Victor committed his life to Christ, and now he is living his life for God. He is now leading many others towards following Jesus.
The last day of the retreat was incredible. Doug taught the last lesson on how Moses was a shadow of what was to come in Jesus. Moses and Jesus' lives were very similar. We have been blessed with more than what we deserve. We really have never suffereed. Africans suffer greatly. We don't understand how they do it sometimes. We must learn how to share what GOd hasgiven us. We live for purporses bigger than our own. We asked all the teenagers two questions. What have I been saved from, and what have I been saved for?
I pondered the two questions myself. I have been saved from brokenness and fear. I have been saved to be a light to my family, and to spread God's love to those in need all around the world. I want to be a worker for God. It was so wonderful to hear all the teens take aways from the 3 day retreat. A few of us rode the bus back to Matipane village to see how the rest of the team was doing with their VBS with the rest of the orphans in the village. I was overwhelmed with compassion and love for three little girls that sat next to me during our singing time with the village children. I also am amazed at how God has brought Hollie and I divinely together for this summer-- to walk, grow, and heal together. Thank you Jesus for an incredible 3 days with some of the most talented, loving, and inspiring teenagers in the world. Thank you Jesus for breaking my heart, over and over again.

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