It's amazing to think about what God can do in a years timing. A year ago today, my life was forever changed. After an incredible journey to Nicaragua with my family last June/July I knew God was calling me elsewhere to serve and follow His lead. I never in my wildest dreams thought He would send me to Africa, without anybody I knew prior to getting accepted to the team. I remember casually looking up on my church website to see if there were any upcoming teams going to serve around the world. It was early last July. I figured I may come across a trip that was leaving in the beginning of 2013, but I stumbled upon a team going to South Africa in October. Man, I didn't have much time to prepare, but I figured if God wanted me on that team. He would provide everything I needed to go. Sure enough, I signed up, and a week later I was accepted.

I thought I had it all figured out. I was just in Nicaragua, met my sweet boy, Moises, and had a life changing time. I figured I knew how emotional I would be in Africa, I knew how much poverty I would see, and I would be more prepared to meet my South African boy, Obed. I couldn't have been more wrong. And for those of you that know me WELL, I HATE to admit that I am wrong, but I will do so when I am.
Africa literally turned my world.. not upside down, but right side UP! And I shouldn't say Africa did this for me, God was behind all of it. God used Africa to literally break me down, teach me so many lessons, and heal many past wounds. I wish I could just give everybody a little glimpse of a day spent in Africa. I so badly wanted to bottle up each day and give them away to people here at home. I want to show everybody, tell everybody, and have everybody experience the pure joy, the raw heartache, the brokenness I felt in each and every day. I made friends, both in South Africa and those on that team of mine that I can call family, that have come along side of me to do life together. I can't imagine my life without them now. God knew was He was doing and that trip last October to Africa was an incredible time that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
Ill never forget meeting my sweet Obed and watching him play soccer on the sidelines. I looked up and down each side of the dirt field the boys of the village were playing on. The sidelines of games in the States are lined with lawn chairs and coolers filled with yummy snacks and fruit punch Kool-Aids. More important than anything else on those sidelines are the families that are represented for each player out there on the field. Moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas, brothers and sisters. Soccer games are a family affair. Yet, I stood there in South Africa and saw nobody cheering on the precious children. I broke down and lost it. My heart cried out for not only my boy who doesn't have a mom or dad, but for all the other boys playing their hearts out and not having anybody to look to on the sidelines for a smile, an encouraging cheer, or a shout of praise. From that moment, I knew there was no turning back. I was in this for the long run and I would be playing on God's team.

The biggest thing I think God has been teaching me throughout this year is that He really does have everything under control. Things might not look pretty, the world may look like it is falling apart, but He is at work, and He is using anybody who is willing to step out on the field and play for Him. He's whispered MANY times to me that I can't fix the world and all the problems, but I can trust Him to help lead me into being all that He has called me to be. And I can be used to bring glory and honor to his name. He also has shown me that HIS plans for my life are far better than mine. They actually are not even comparable to those that I had for myself.

I thought God outdid himself last year with my trips to Nicaragua and Africa, but yet again I was so wrong. He sent me back; to Nicaragua in March and then to a couple different countries in Africa this summer for nine weeks. I still am on cloud nine, knowing how faithful God is and how much He loves me. I did things this summer in Africa that I know I was not capable of doing alone. God was with me every step of the way, and I seriously can say without a doubt that this summer was the most incredible experience of my life. And God truly does get all the glory. He worked everything out; providing generous, God-loving people to donate the funds for me to go. He didn't just supply half of it, he supplied ALL of the $10,000 in just 6 weeks.

Today ends another chapter of my life, as I am leaving the job and family I have grown to love over the past year. It is bitter sweet, but I know God is calling me elsewhere. God's timing really is perfect, as this week I just got accepted into Ball State's ABA Therapy Master's Program, in hopes to be an ABA Therapist and Analyst, wanting to further my education and work with special needs children. I'm excited to see where God leads me next, for I trust that His plan is perfect for me. I thank Him for each and every one of you reading this that has prayed, provided funds for my mission trips, and been a friend to me offering encouragement, love, and support.
For those who haven't given total control over to God, I beg you to do so, because I am no different than you and God wants you to experience the life He has set out for you. I pray you find strength and courage in my words and my story.

Take a look around. God needs you in the game, playing for Him. There are so many children and people that need you cheering for them on the sidelines of their life. You don't have to go to Africa or China to make a difference. God called me there, and He may not call you to do something like that. Stepping out can be scary at first, but I promise you... do you see the picture of my boy Obed and I? He is worth stepping out for, the children in all these pictures are worth cheering for. Your family, coworkers, and friends are worth stepping out for. I would love to share more about my experiences with you if you are struggling and need someone to listen. If you don't have a church home, I would love to invite you to come to church with me. You have a friend in me always. You are worth it all and more importantly God thinks you are worth it all. Trust Him...He will give you everything you need and more.. in His Perfect timing. Blessings,
Meghann :)
Congratulations, Meghann on finding out what you want to do next. You will be great at everything you set your mind to. You will make a difference in this world.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the Masters program. So excited for you and to keep in touch as you start another amazing journey. xoxo!