Monday, July 1, 2013

God's Creativity (Cape Town, Langa church service, and first day of VBS)

I am happy to say that I safely made it to Cape Town after a beautiful time in Limpopo. Can I just say that this place is the most beautiful place I have ever seen? As I sit and type on the porch of an incredible home I have the honor of staying in, 50 feet away from the beach, listening to the waves crash into the banks, looking at Table Mountain, I am in awe of how God has brought me here and amazed and honored to be here in and for His name.

The children of Langa have already captured my heart. Church was amazing yesterday, filled with so much love and joy. A little boy named Zimmie captured my heart right from the beginning. I learned that his father is drinking and not in the picture. His granny is caring for him. What a sweet lady she is. I am missing all those that were a part of the team last week in Limpopo. I pray that they are safely back home. I am excited to have a new set of friends and team members here in Cape Town though. We are holding a VBS for the children of Langa Township 4 days this week. The ladies of the team are also holding a women's conference Thursday. I am so excited to be a part of God's work here in beautiful Cape Town.
We had a wonderful first day of VBS today with the kids. I am working on games this week; leading the kids in stretching and in relays, soccer games, and other various activities. I just love how energetic the kids are. We laughed so much today, playing in the sunshine, with the beautiful mountains in the background.
Cape Town is a place of vast contrast. There are very wealthy areas, and then there are townships filled with shack, after shack, after shack. These shacks are like some that I have never seen before. They literally are on top of one another, with no yard or space really at all. It is incredible to see how they are living, yet the children are so happy and eager to learn from us.
Today's devotion this morning really spoke to me.
Proverbs 31:8 says, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice."
I see that I am in a postion to be a defender for these children in need.
I love how God continues to show me that He is a father. A father has a family. Jesus tells us don't just be religious. This thing called life isn't all about a system. The church is a family. Period. God is a father. He has a family here on earth that He loves dearly. Friends, it is imparitive to see and understand this so we can see how important it is to care for orphans, widows, and the poor. The townships here in cape town were set up in apartheid for the blacks to live seperately that whites. The government enforced this, but God has a heart for them.
When we think of religion, we like to attach certain things to it; going to church, being a part of a bible study, leading a small group, getting baptized. All of these things are for OURSELVES. We must get out of ourselves. We have to do something with all the stuff we are learning about who God really is.
James 1:27 says, "Pure and genuine religion and devotion is looking after orphans in distress. " If we can't do this, what are we doing?
God wants us to care for those that need family. This will keep us from being corrupted by this world we live in. I can not begin to tell you how God has taught me and healed me through being his hands and feet to those that have nobody to turn to for help. Obed and Moises, my two beautiful boys, have brought me more joy than I can even begin to tell you. God has healed my painful wounds of the past because of the love he has given to me through caring for His hurting people in this world. What I am doing in Africa the next two months is MUCH bigger than just a humanitarian project. It is about reflecting the image of God. I can't do everything but I can do something to represent God to people in distress. We all can do something. God wants you to discover who He really is by diving into His Word and listening to the plans He has for your life.
I am excited to see what God does with this week and the time I have with the children here in Langa. Thank you Jesus for everything you are doing through this team, for what you did last week. I pray for all those who are reading this blog right now. Speak into their lives. Help me to be everything you want me to be in this world. I give all the glory, honor, and praise to you.
Missing you all back in the States.
TRUST that God is doing miraculous things through me, this team, and through you. :) Love you. Many blessings.

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