There are so many layers that God has showed me on this trip. God chose me to be here-- we can't be upset about why other people don't see missions in the same way as we do now. We must keep serving in the same way when we return home. The whole meaning of serving has changed for me. Serving others in the name of Jesus is hard-- it isn't going to give me a better life. It isn't about what we get out of serving, its about sharing what we have.
How can I go home and give it away to others?
The greatest need of people is LOVE. What we gave the kids will never run out this week. The relationship is the most important part. God says we have to serve, duty is then fulfilled. There are lost, hurting people everywhere. You may be one that is reading this blog post right now. I challenge you to show acts of love and kindness daily. Offer your time to the Lord. It doesn't matter what everybody else thinks about your life and your lifstyle. We just have to obey God-- be what God wants us to be. Everybody is valuable, because we all are children of God. Quit focusing on what you don't think you have. Stop worrying about your insecurities, God says we all are valuable.
I find myself asking, Now what God?
God tells me that all I have to do is pray. Trust HIm that He will build me up to spread His Word and let everybody know what I learned and saw on this amazing love story of a journey. I can not change the world in a week. I realize I can not convine everybody that mission work is important and it brings God's joy and Heaven to earth. God will use my life though, to draw people to know more of God.
Friends, you must remember why you alive, reading this blog. You are a child of God and were made to spread his Light to others. Your career isn't why you were hand-made by God. For some reason God has brought you to this moment, this moment of reading this blog post, to show and tell you that you are loved. You are loved and you were made to love.
I've thought at different low points in my life that my heart was broken and could never be fixed. I have been deeply hurt by people in my life time. We all have. My heart has never been broken like this though. My heart is breaking as we speak because of the things I have seen and felt here in this small village of Ramaroka. I do know that I will always find God when I work in helping others who need help. He has been present and alive in every team member this week. He has been present in the children, and I have seen Him in all their faces.
This trip God has allowed me to inhale so many emotions, feelings, and lessons. It is now time to exhale. I must release everything I have seen and learned. I love you my dear friends. Thank you for all the support, prayers, and love you have shown me to be the woman I am today.
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