Thursday October 11th, 2012
I woke up to another wonderful morning and breakfast. The team
is filled with hope, joy, and gladness this morning as well. The Lord has
blessed us with so much laughter. We are always either crying or laughing. J
Psalm 102
Whatever we go through, God is using it to make us better
servants. One of the blessings of servant-hood is that our fruit will always be
developed in God’s presence. It is encouraging to realize the ones who wrote
the scriptures had bad days too.
The Final Judgment
Matthew 25:40 (31-46)
This passage talks about God separating the righteous and
the evil. He tells us that we must do good works for the least of these, the
ones who get overlooked and ignored. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell.
People choose if they are going to hell or not. Hell was prepared for the Devil—not
people. People choose the selfish ways of the Devil. Heaven was prepared for
Jesus and for people. When you are serving the poor, you are seeing the face of
Jesus. You are seeing Jesus in the faces of others. Whoever you see today, what
are you really seeing? We all see different needs in the faces of others. Lord,
Help me to see what you want ME to see in others. How can I help others? We can
serve Jesus everywhere we go. How can I serve in new ways when I go back to the
states? When we become selfish we turn into serving ourselves. The battle is
between our awareness of God and being filled with ourselves. Self is always
there. Deny yourself friends. Take up the cross daily. View the world outside
of our small view. Everything starts with worship. We must starts with
worshipping and abandoning ourselves. We were created to be worshipers. We
worship through serving. Our focus is on God and serving releases the Holy
Spirit. Seek Him with all your heart, soul, and mind AND then all opportunities
will come. Blessings will then come your way.
Everyday keeps getting better and better. A few of us stayed
to make bricks, including myself, Chris, Robyn, Doug, and Tim while the rest
of the team went on Home visits this morning. God keeps blessing us over and over
each and every new day. We actually got about 300 bricks made this morning.
Pastor Fredie wasn’t there with water or tools this morning, so Tomecio and I
went looking for rocks. We shared with each other what the Lord was teaching us—simplicity
of life. I’ve never in my life looked for rocks at home. I have never even
taken the time. We found some beautiful red, white, and brown rocks on our
hunt. After work this morning we headed up the City Hall for lunch. All week
Andres’ wife Nellie has been making us amazing lunches. Todays was chicken and
rice and a banana salad.
A few of us didn’t work with the kids today, because our
sponsored kids didn’t show up the other day. Tomecio, Stacy, Susan, Johnnie, and
I got to go back to Segkopo to see and meet our kids for the first time. I could
hardly contain myself. God had been calling me and speaking to me about
sponsoring Obed before I came to Africa. I ended up going through with it, and the day
finally came to meet him for the first time. I hadn’t expected today to be as
hard as it was. I had the privilege and blessing to meet my sponsor boy,
Moises, in Nicaragua this summer for the first time. I thought meeting him
would have prepared me to meet Obed. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Elias,
one of the leaders at Segkopo’s drop-in center called Obed over when we arrived
at the center. He was more beautiful than the picture I had seen on the
computer back at home. He had beautiful big brown eyes, curly eye lashes, and was wearing
his uniform with a red, athletic jacket. I could tell he was nervous and very
shy. I had a few weeks to prepare for this moment, but he had only had a few
days. Elias proceeded to tell him that I was from America and that I was his
new sponsor. At first, I didn’t think he spoke much English, but I later found
out he spoke very good English, he just was very shy. I told Elias to tell him
that he could go back to playing soccer if he wanted to. He walked back and joined the other boys on the red, dirt field.
I went out to the sidelines of the dirt field. I stood on
those sidelines, with tears streaming down my cheeks. This sweet boy was
precious. He secretly looked over to see what I was doing and if I was
watching periodically. I pictured the soccer fields back home, dotted with many parents and
grandparents cheering their children on during their practices and games. This
boy, my boy, he didn’t have parents. He probably had never had any adult watch
him play soccer before. But God chose me to be standing there. I was standing
there as his support system. With me sponsoring Obed, I am not only providing
food and education for him. I am
providing him hope and love; something that he has never had. Standing there
made me realize that God’s sole purpose for my life was just that. I was meant
to be standing there, watching this sweet, beautiful boy play soccer. Nothing
else mattered but that moment. It is one that is forever ingrained in my heart.
I was a proud mom today. I am a mom of two beautiful boys that just need hope
and love to succeed in life. I pray that they both experience and feel God’s
love for them every day of their lives. I pray Obed felt loved today by God and
myself. He is one special boy amongst hundreds of children just as special who
need somebody to just care.

Despite Obed’s home life, he is a sweet, well-behaved boy.
Before I knew it, Johnnie signaled to me that it was time to leave. I made Obed
a homemade picture book for him to see my family, friends, and gymnasts back
home. I even had a map to show him where I lived relative to Segkopo. He loved It.
I also brought him a bag of goodies. Each and every team member sponsors kids,
and it was so amazing to share the amazing experience of meeting them for the
first time. All of our hearts are forever changed by these beautiful children
of ours. As Johnnie called me to come to the van, I told him I needed to say
bye to Obed. I couldn’t imagine having to say bye. I just met him; my sweet
boy. He calmly walked over, and I told him I needed to go but that I loved him,
was so happy to meet him, and that I would see him again soon. I also made sure
to let him know that I would be thinking of him and praying for him every day
that I was gone. He smiled, I hugged him and I left my baby right there. My
baby—with a piece of my heart. Africa and this sweet boy, with eyes that
sparkle with Jesus’ light forever have a place in my heart. Thank you Jesus.
What an amazing day I have God to thank for. He is working all around me in a
hurting country. The children are beyond wonderful.
Tomorrow is going to be a very hard day. I thought today was
going to be hard, but saying goodbye to Ramaroka and the children is something
I do not want to do. Saying goodbye to Obed was so incredibly hard. I know it seems
crazy because we just met, but I feel like I said goodbye to someone I have
known my whole life.
Debriefing after dinner tonight was hilarious. Tomecio has a
special talent of eavesdropping. She calls it ear hustling but I thought it was
calling air hustling. We all died laughing when I made a fool out of myself,
calling it air hustling. Doug’s hair was also in rare form, and Sandy made a
funny comment about it. I got to talk to my mom and grandpa tonight! They both
were so excited to hear from me. Missing and praying for everybody back in the states.
Thank you Jesus for breaking my heart time and time again.
What a beautiful day today was. J
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