What an amazing journey God has had me on this year! Last New Years Eve as some of you know I gave up icecream for this 2012 year. A lot of you know that I LOVE icecream, so I thought it would be a great challenge for me the year and give me something to look forward to this new years eve! Little did I know, with everything God has put in my life this year, I haven't even really had much time to miss ice cream let alone THINK about ice cream. As a lot of you know, I had the privilege of going to Nicaragua this summer. The trip was life changing and God lit my heart on fire for mission work. The last couple months have been a whirl wind of mixed emotions and an itching for going to serve elsewhere. Little did I know God would be calling my name to go to Africa! It seems like yesterday I was praying about whether I should Go or not. And now I am here today, writing this on my way to the airport, bursting with joy at the seams, anxiously waiting to be reunited with my amazing team in Indy!
Last week my team and I met for our final meeting. We have met 3 times over the course of the last couple months, preparing our hearts for what we will be doing in Africa. We have learned about each other and learned from each other. We have learned that each and everyone of us was meant to be on this team and that we are unique. This team can never be duplicated and we are exactly as we should be. We all bring so much to the table when it comes to spiritual gifts. Last week, we watched a video that really touched all of us in numerous ways.
It talked about the meaning of the term "rich". What do you think of when you hear the word rich? What defines being rich? Is Bill Gates rich? What about Mother Teresa? We came to the conclusion that we as Americas are beyond rich. Only 8% of the world owns a car of their own. Can you believe that? Another astonishing fact that blew my mind away was this: experts have determined that for us to feed, clothe, and provide proper health care for ALL the starving, hurting people of the world we would need roughly 20$ billion. Sounds like a lot of money right? Well did you know AMericans spent 20$ billion on ICECREAM last year!!!!!!! I couldn't believe that. Maybe this year the numbers will be less because I haven't bought any ;)
With that said, friends please hear me, we can make a difference. We are meant to make a difference. We are all called for greatness. I'm not talking about being great in THIS world. I'm talking about what our Heavenly Father defines as greatness. Our greatness is defined by Jesus, and He lives in each and everyone of us. When was the last time you reached out to a friend, a neighbor, or a stranger and really helped someone, provided a listening ear, prayed for someone in need, or just was THERE for someone? God doesn't ask for anything more than we can give. He asks us not for us to donate money or write checks. He asks for us to give our hearts, to give our team, and to open up and allow Him to work within us. I am so thankful for Jesus calling my name and guiding me in this right direction despite all of the responsibilities and duties I have in my every day life. This trip isn't and wasn't a walk in the park for any of us. I know I can speak for myself, I had many reasons to just say no to God on going to this trip. Ive caught Satan telling me time and time again that i shouldn't go, I have too much going on with work here, but I am so so grateful for all the prayers each and every one of you have sent up for my sake. I thank you for them, because I am going. I am going today, and my team and I are ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
I am not sure how Africa will be or what He has in store for my team. I do know we are going boldly in the name of Jesus to spread His Light and Love tO children that this world says have nothing. But you see my friend, these children are the ones that have everything. They might not have parents, lots of nice clothes, or luxurious bedrooms. But these children, they have hearts of gold. They aren't consumed with having STUFF to make them hapThey arent complaining because of their circumstances. They are praising the Lord for keeping them alive and answering their prayers. their prayers were answered because we are coming.
Children who have never had icecream. Children who have been waiting just for us to come.
Children who are so rich, children who will be teaching me, helping me to be more like Jesus and
Thankful for all the blessings he has privileged me with.
So, here we go. Next stop, Atlanta. Final stop, Johannesburg, Africa.
I am not sure on the Internet signal in Africa, but I will try my hardest to post everyday!
Check us out to keep up to date on what we will be doing! :)
God speed!
Praising you and thanking you Lord,
Till next time friends,
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