What an amazing, incredible life changing week I was just a part of. The team tackled SO much during the short week, but I didn't have any down time EVER to post online each day's events. I will be posting each days events as the week progressed. Thank you for all your prayers. Our team felt them and were wrapped up in God's love and protection throughout the whole course of our journey. I am so thankful to God for hand picking me to be a part of this unbelievable experience, and I can't wait to share my journey in words with you all. Love you dearly friends.
Monday March 3, 2013
Today was such an amazing God filled day. I can't express how wonderful and right it feels to be back in Nicaragua. God even gave us the gift of cooler weather AND a breeze. I can't hardly believe it. The word that best describes how I feel right now is "home." The team is interviewing students at Pastor Oscar's school, Ray Solomon. This school was where I ate lunch and went to visit every day on my last trip to Nicaragua. The home that I built last summer was only a few blocks from this school. Walking in and among the students today at Ray Solomon was so touching, so familiar. I loved seeing faces that I recognized. Familiar faces and smiles warmed my heart today as I walked into the school for the first time. Waves and friendly "holas" were exchanged and my heart was filled with a joy that I know can only come from Jesus.
Everything about this place feels like home. What do you think of when you think of the word home? Warmth... comfort... peace.. safety... family.. There are a few words that instantly come to my mind. All of these things I felt today, ALL DAY long.
The day was filled with interviews and getting the hang of working as team to conduct the interviews. As most of you might know, I am proud to say I went to Nicaragua this trip on a leadership team strictly focused on helping NRN with their sponsorship program. Our task was to see as many unsponsored and sponsored Northview students as possible, but to do it in a way that made each student feel loved and special. Many people state side made huge donations of toys, art supplies, tooth brushes, tooth paste, soaps, and backpacks for us to give each student at the end of the interview process. Sunday night the team put together these boy and girl goodie bags for each primary student and the backpacks with notebooks and pens for the secondary students. We wanted to make each student feel special and loved by receiving a little gift at the end of each interview.
I loved getting to talk to all the students that came into the room. Each student had to sit down, talk to us while we filled out an information sheet on their likes, family life, and personal questions to better understand who they were. Primary students made a sticker/colored art project for a potential sponsor or sponsor, while the secondary students wrote a postcard to their sponsor. Once all this was completed, the student was instructed to go see Kathy, who took their picture so we had a face with a name and information sheet.
This first day was a bit overwhelming, as we didn't know the best way to tackle the situation, but we had the least amount of kids to see, because Ray Solomon has the most kids sponsored out of all 4 schools we are involved heavily in. I was an interviewer all of the trip, getting to ask questions and sit personally with a student and translator. It was so wonderful to sit with the students, hear their laughs, and to see their excitement. All of the children were so beautiful and full of life.
After the interviews, we sat in and introdcued ourselves to the administrators of the school. They shared with us their heavy hearts, difficulties of the last year, a teacher with cancer, and the death of a special needs child this year. They told us their need for new textbooks, more fans, pre school chairs, and the many prayers they needs as well. The team got very emotional during this conversation in the administration office. It was such a blessing that they felt comfortable and trusting enough of our team to open up their hearts and share the schools burdens with us. We prayed together in a circle holding hands and headed back to La Quinta.
I have never had the opportunity to stay at La Quinta by myself. Our team is the only team here for the week and it is so peaceful and wonderful. The weather is beautiful and I couldn't ask for anything more. I was so blessed with reconnecting with my translators, who are now my great friends, Juan Carlos and Aaaron. It was so wonderful to give them great big hugs today, and I can't wait to work along side of them and spend the week together.

As I look back on the day, one of my key moments I do not want to forget is the feeling I had while standing in the hallway, watching the kids play in the court yard, feeling the breeze, reading the sign With God All Things Are Possible. As I stood there, I felt God. I felt Him reassuring me that I was exactly where I needed to be. As if that wasn't enough of a blessing, I see a familiar face playing in the courtyard. It was Walter from last summer. I build the house for him and his family, who happens to be Aaron's family. Praise God for that moment, and all the other amazing moments of the day.
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