Tuesday March 5th, 2013
Today God gave us another beautiful day in Nicaragua. God, thank you for this opportunity you have given me to help out your Heavenly Kingdom.
We ventured out to Los Brasillos, Joshua 1:8 schools to do many sponsored and unsponsored interviews. I was excited because I have not been to this particular school before. It was def a more rural school than Ray Solomon’s or Belcer’s schools in town, close to the dangerous market.
The kids we saw today were incredible; so overwhelmed and filled with joy, and beyond excited to see what we had planned for them. One of the girls that stuck out to me was a little girl named Sarah. She told me she loved to sing during the time I had with her, and she sand me a song about the sun, the moon, and the stars. I made sure to record it so I could replay the moment. During the time I shared with her, I asked God to bless her with a perfect sponsor.
We saw a huge group of preschoolers today too. Talk about the most adorable little things you have ever seen. We decided to play games with them on the floor and ask questions while we were playing to break the ice. The smaller children aren’t as outgoing and they have been a bit shy to interact with us. The kids had a blast putting puzzles together and playing the games on the ground that we brought with us. One little boy was very scared and cried the entire time he was around us.
Today I began to ask myself a simple question as I was with my amazing team and incredible kids. What is standing in the way of me serving God and building up his Heavenly Kingdom?
What would I give up for God? Would I give up my apartment? Do I make big sacrifices for God? Do I make excuses for why I can’t go to church, why I can’t go on a mission trip for a long period of time? It is a lot to think about and it surely is a lot to take in at times. I believe I am exactly where I am meant to be for the first time in my 25 years of life. God has truly opened up so many doors since I decided I was going to follow him wherever he led me.
As I sit in the church patio, listening to the birds chirp, distant cars honking, kids laughing from the school yard, I realize and feel how truly blessed I am to be here. God, I fall in love with you more and more every day. You are so amazing, and I thank you for bringing me here to this moment. Help me remember this moment, to stop and take time to see your beautiful hand at work all around me.

We got back from the school and had an amazing dinner tonight. As a team, we pulled our money together to make food bags for each child we sponsor and to help their families. We mad 24 bags total. A few of us with Aaron’s help went to the mall to find more backpacks, buy shoes for some of the kids we saw today that had worn theirs out, and to the grocery to buy all the food for the bags.
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