Sunday, April 6, 2014

Set a fire, Keep it ABLAZE.

Have you ever tried to plan out your life? Most of us are in a constant state of planning. We are taught planning as little children. In elementary school we plan and prepare for middle school. In middle school we are preparing and planning for high school. In high school we plan for college. We get to college and we plan out grad school or job internships, career paths, etc. We plan on meeting the perfect person, plan on what kind of wedding we will have, how many kids will be had, what kind of dog you are going to own, your next car after the lease is up. We plan and schedule out our vacations during the year months in advance. We plan out holiday seasons; where we are going for Christmas, what we are cooking for Thanksgiving dinner, what birthday gifts we will get our loved ones.
I have a giant calendar with all my assignments for my grad classes. A mini marathon in Sept is planned out and on the schedule. Tests are on the schedule. A wedding in May, followed by my baby sister's 17 birthday, a family reunion, a trip to Africa in the fall. Plans and schedules are a constant part of my days and much time is set aside for these various plans and life events that are sprinkled along the pages with the days of the year.
I am guilty. I have THOUGHT about my life plan and all the aspects I just mentioned since I can remember. I have always looked ahead, always thought about the next steps, and some would say that is simply being responsible. Don't get me wrong, we must be proactive with the gift of our lives, BUT this Easter season I cant seem to shake the thoughts of who ULTIMATELY is in charge of all of my plans. Jesus has the final say about my life, and so often I forget to consider Him in my planning, with my judgements, with my heart.
The Easter season is approaching, and for some reason it is resonating in a different way. A way that is more real, more exposed, and filled with more passionate feelings than I have had in months. Life has been very unexpected since I have recommited myself to Jesus and HIS plans for my life in the last 3-4 years. Simply put, the plans that I have tried to make regarding my future have always taken a dramatic 180 turn. I have known in my heart to always turn to Jesus when making decisions, but you know sometimes life takes you over, and you just don't communicate enough with Him. You don't set aside enough time to consider if you really are doing what God wants you to do.
I have found myself in this position time and time again. In these times, the only thing that snaps me out of the state of confusion about my life is when I am overcome with the Holy Spirit.

I need Jesus.
I need Him more than anything else in this world.
 My life without Him is nothing.

Many of you know I am no longer getting married. I have had many worrisome looks and words spoken to me about the situation, but to be honest Jesus is carrying the weight of it all. I have put my trust in Him, and He is the author of this decision. There have been no hard feelings and no choice words spoken. And that is only because of Jesus' hand being behind it all.  Obedience is honored by Him, and I know because of my obedience to Him He will honor the decision that has been made.

"I have been crucified with Christ- I don't live, Christ lives in me." Galations 2:20
I am alive and well because of the truth behind this verse. Christ lives in me and I am honored that a fire has been set in my heart to burn His Light.
Jesus knows the plans of my life. He already has everything scheduled out. He knows EXACTLY what each day holds, who I will meet, who I will bump into at Greyhouse, what friend will help me in a time of need, who will pray over me at church.

He knows everything about me. He also knows everything about you.
This Easter season at church, my pastor is focusing on the bad news, before the Good News.
Jesus was my substitute. He also was yours. He took our place on the cross, to die a death that none of us could handle. He died and endured more than we could ever wrap our minds around because He loves us more than words can explain.
I think of all the people I love most in life. Jesus loves me more than all of the love I have for them combined. We don't strive for holiness to get "right" with God.  Our works don't impress God.
God doesn't love me more because I've been to Africa to help others. He doesn't love me more because of services I offer to Him. God didn't need to make me; breathe me into existence. He didn't need any more glory. He made me because He loves me and wants glory and love from me.
I run after holiness because I see what it cost Jesus. We need to run after holiness because we love Jesus.
I urge you to open up the Bible and read about what Jesus did for you; for all of us. His plans have been and always will be. Don't ever doubt that His ways are better than yours.

He is the author of our stories.
Trust Him. Invite Him to write yours.

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