I am excited to say I will be going on my next trip in a few short weeks back to Nicaragua. I am so excited to reunite with friends I met this past summer. I am beyond excited to see my little boy Moises, to talk with him about how school is going, to see his beautiful brown eyes. I can't wait to throw my arms around him, to give him pictures of us together from my last trip, to see his huge smile. I can't begin to imagine how it will feel to see him again, to touch his hair and skin, to feel him in my arms again. I remember the last time I saw him, standing in the middle of the parking lot, watching the van carry him away. I never thought I would be so touched, so emotional, from meeting him, eating and spending a few hours with him, and then saying goodbye.
Tears streamed down my face as I stood stunned in the middle of the parking lot, just a few feet away from the van. Moises and my parents child, Osmara, were sitting next to one another in the van amongst other sponsored children. They both were smiling, watching my family stand and wave goodbye. And then Moises did something I will never forget. It was like time froze for a moment and I can remember it like it was yesterday. He took his tiny hand, white teeth showing for all to see, and placed his hand to the glass window. I walked over to the van just in time to place my hand on the other side of the window, up to his. He looked at me, smiling, almost giving me encouragment that it was going to be ok. I could let him go. God had him, my little boy, in his arms.

I stood there before that moment so upset that I had to say goodbye, but Moises' simple act of placing his hand on that window to be inline with mine took away all that anger. I had made the simple act of being like Jesus ALL ABOUT ME within 3 hours. I got consumed in myself, all about how I needed to fix the brokenness in Nicaragua. I needed to provide a better life for this sweet boy. I needed to be in control of the situation. After spending a few hours with this boy, who I had just met, I felt like I had the power and resources to fix his situation. I had it all wrong though. My human characteristics were coming out, and my little boy made sure to keep me in check and he didn't even know it.

My little boy taught me a valuable lesson that day in that moment. I can not fix all the problems in this world. I can't even begin to actually comprehend everything wrong about this world, but there is somebody that can. There is someone that can heal all the brokenness, who can provide love to those who are hurting, who can be a shoulder to lean on, someone to cry to. Jesus is all those things and more. Moises taught me that through loving, all wounds can be healed. Moises was a perfect example of uncondional love for me in that day. Here is a boy, who gave me everything he had. I didn't deserve that, but he gave it to me without hesitation and he taught me that I need to do the same for every person that I come into contact with. Moises taught me that THAT is why God put me on this earth. I won't be able to fix everything in this world , but I am certain that I can change somebody's life by loving them the way Jesus has changed my life.
God has given our generation EVERYTHING we need to alter the course for human suffering and there is human suffering everywhere we turn. Change MUST start with us though. No matter how little resources you might think you have, every little bit matters. Resources aren't necessarily restricted to money either. Our time is one of the most valuable resources we have to offer. I saw first hand what a few hours of time can do to a child who just needs someone to invest in their life.
Maybe traveling to other countries to serve and help those in need isn't your thing, but there are plenty of opportunities to help others if you are just open to looking. Some people aren't going to understand why you are dropping everything to follow God and His calling, but in the end God will be smiling and you will feel the blessings He will provide for you.
Ask God to help you understand where you can make a difference, where you can help someone, and I promise you that in the end you will feel like you made a difference. It is the best feeling in the world.
We have been chosen by God to reach out to others and be a Light in this dark world. God has given you everything you need. Stepping out on faith is all it takes. I did it, and continue to do it, I know that you can too.
I pray God will use my words to stir something in your own heart. God loves you and so do I. Praying that you all have a wonderful week and use God's gifts He blessed you with for good and for the good of others.