As Christmas draws near, I find myself getting caught up in the hoopla of making sure everybody I know gets a Christmas card, and the perfect gift, adorned with the most beautiful wrapping paper with the perfect bow on top. The stores and malls are flooded with people alike searching for that special gift for that special someone. Every commercial on TV tries to draw us into their stores for their great sales to purchase more and more stuff.
As a single woman living alone, I recently put up my first Christmas tree, decorated with gold and red beads, ornaments, and glistening white lights. My windowsill is cluttered with Christmas cards from family and friends, sparkly lights, and glittering red snowflake decorations. My family members have all asked what exactly I want for Christmas. I pause to stop and focus on the word want. What do I want?
I find myself being torn in two completely opposite directions; Meghann the woman of THIS world, and Meghann the woman of God meant to be different and stand apart from this world. The wordly Meghann seems to be able to think of a few things that might be nice to have; a new computer, ANOTHER pair of boots, a Kerig Coffee maker, new running shoes, and a new camera. None of the things I have thought of are things that I really need though. If I am being honest, there is really NOTHING that I am in need of. I have a beautiful home, filled with food, heat, a closet full of clothes, and running water. I have a family that adores me and supports me for who I am, a church family who is there for me when I need them, friends that have my back and truly love me for me, and a Heavenly Father that has saved my life and made whole and new.
Since my return from Africa, I find myself struggling to keep a grasp on God's reality. I find myself realizing that something can be very real to me, but entirely untrue. I believe alot of us can look at areas in our life and realize this statement is true. This Christmas season I have been playing tug-a-war with this WORLD view of Christmas and the REAL meaning of Christmas. I find myself thinking about the precious kids I worked with in the village of Ramaroka and Segkopo.
This Christmas I am not worried about needing anything, especially not worried about my safety in the neighborhood I live in. Govenment officials are being killed in the very province I was working in in South Africa just a few short weeks ago. Have you stopped to read about what is going on in Africa right now?
God has truly blessed me with just the small fact that I live here in America. Why me though? My mind could spend hours going in circles with this small realization. Why did He pick me to live here in America? Why have I been so richly blessed with everything I have? Why are their children in Africa who have dreams, hopes, and goals alike that will not have enough food today, tomorrow, or even next week? My heart cries out for the children I held, the children I played with, the children I showed Jesus to, the children who have no families to eat Christmas dinner with. God has only given me one answer to all the questions I have for him about why me and it really is quite simple.
He whispers to me, "Because I love you Meghann." I stop and realize that it doesn't mean He doesn't love me any more or any less than the hungry, needy orphans of Africa. God hasn't punished or priviledged any of us more than anybody else. This world and it's ways are the sole reason why kids in Africa are dying each and every day from malnutrition and the deadly disease of AIDS. The sin of this world is causing this not God. God is there in every moment, I witnessed and saw Jesus in the beautiful children's eyes there. What Africa needs is people like you and me, willing to go and bring the hope and life back into these hurting children and people's lives. God is there, yet God needs avenues, platforms, and people to use to bring His presence to the surface in a place where famine, starvation, crime, and disease drive out all the Light.
Everything about my journey has been difficult, and everyday continues to be a constant battle between wanting to be home in Africa helping the children in need. I have to realize though that God has a perfect plan, and I was able to carry it out by going and listening to God's calling for me to be His Hands and Feet in Africa. I never in a million years thought that two short weeks spent thousands of miles away would change my perspective in every single area of my life.
Friends, I urge you to stop and remember the true meaning of Christmas. Forget all the gifts, the wrapping paper, and the New Years resolutions. Jesus came to earth, taking the form of a human being, having living, breathing, flesh like you and me. God sent this baby to teach us the simple act of living life in a way pleasing to God. He sent Him to restore us; to save us; to fill us with everlasting joy in a fallen, broken world.
How are you living your life? We could all probably agree that we all are very comfortable when it comes to having enough to live on, making enough money to support our needs, and having family and friends to help us in our times of struggle. We all have made mistakes, fallen short, and I continue to fall short every single day. But friends, God loved you SO VERY much that he Blessed you with a rich life; a life where you know Him and have all the proper tools follow Him and to be a disciple for him in this sinful world. I challenge you to make a resolution not just for this upcoming year, but for the rest of your life. Make a resolution to devote your life to God's work.
God says in James 1:27, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for the orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." God has opened my eyes and heart for this sole reason. If you don't know what your purpose is in this lifetime, if you don't feel like you are making a differece in your life to anybody, I promise you, go to God and give yourself away today. Deny yourself, forget about your selfish desires, set aside some time, and ask God how you can make a difference in somebody else's life. He says it plain and simple in James 1:27. Care for the widows and orphans of this world. Period. It is so so simple, yet so many of us make excuses. People feel uncomfortable talking about the poor. My friends, what and how are you spending your money? Let me rephrase that. You know everything that you own and have and place value on materialistically will not and NEVER will bring you lasting joy. We are always wanting MORE. More stuff to floods our homes with. Have you ever felt an emptiness inside you after all the gifts are opened and Christmas is over? You got everything you asked for, yet you still just feel sort of empty. FRIENDS, there is a solution to that emptiness and it is JESUS. Invite him into your heart, or if He is already there invite Him to change your heart. Change your heart to feel the things HE feels. Ask Him to change your eyes to see the things that hurt Him everyday to see. He can renew your spirit and fill you with joy you have never experienced. I am a living testimony of that. Ths world has failed me in more ways than one. I was and still am a broken woman that has been trampled on by worldly people and things, but God has restored my life and my heart. He has opened my eyes and heart, and I know that my life has a purpose and meaning to others.
Maybe God will call you to changing the world by sponsoring a child in Africa. I know it might seem small, and the Devil might whisper in your ear things like, "How can sponsoring one child make an impact when there are millions who are hungry." Friends, it just takes starting with one. One turns into 10, and then turns into 100. You are changing the world to that one little boy and girl.
I saw with my very eyes what it means to these beautiful children to be sponsored. This Christmas they will not have a mother and father to give them gifts, to leave cookies out for Santa, to eat Christmas dinner with. The ones that are sponsored though have hope, because an American has taken the time, money, and energy to invest in their lives, to support them, pray for them, and love them enough to make that all possible for them. With each kid sponsored, I know God is smiling and His heart is filled with joy.
Maybe this Christmas you and your family could volunteer to serve at a shelter, ring the bell for Salvation army, or simply buy the car behind you in the drivethrus coffee or meal. The feeling of doing random acts of kindness is something I can not fully descibe, but it is one that never gets old, and never goes away. This world filled with all its false realities is hard to not get wrapped up in. Take the time to go to God, ask Him to open up your eyes and heart, and give you strength to be different; to stand out; to be the change He wants to see in the world.
I am not sure when God will take me back to Africa, but everyday my heart longs for the people, children, and friends I met on my stay. Until I return, I must try and make a bigger impact here, for Africa does have many financial problems and is lacking much, but the US is lacking far more in the areas of selfishness, greed, and power. How can you be a Light to those who need one in your life? You are beautiful and special in God's eyes. You were meant to read the words on this page. Act on these words, for these are not mine, but from God working through me.
Many blessings and well wishes to all,